

Hello, my name is Socrates and I am new to the site. I come from Greece (if the name didn't give that away already) and I am fascinated by European history & geopolitics, as well as the Hellenic Monarchy!

Favourite Historical Figures
King Constantine II of the Hellenes King Otto of Greece Tsar Nicholas II King Peter I of Serbia
His Majesty, King Constantine II of the Hellenes, Duke of Sparta. Γύρνα Ξανά Βασιλιά, στην παλιά σου φωλιά!
His Majesty, King Otto of Greece posing in front of the Parthenon. Misunderstood by most, loved by Θεόδωρος Κολοκοτρώνης.
His excellency, Tsar Nicolas II alongside his cousin George V. Боже, Царя храни! Хай живуть, живуть вічно козаки!
His Majesty, King Peter I Кarađorđević of the Serbs, Croats & Slovenes. Срби имају само два пријатеља, Бога и Грке!


Maps I find interesting
Ukranian State under Hetman Skoropadskyi (1918)
The German Empire in 1887
The Balkans just before the outbreak of the Second Balkan War (1913)
European possessions of the House of Habsburg at the end of the reign of Charles V (1556)

General Interests & Information

Deliberation at the Congress of Vienna
 This user is a Europhile

I am greatly in favour of supporting peace and cooperation within Europe, through our shared intercontinental traditions & values.

 This user is an Absolute Monarchist

I also support an absolutist way of governance, through the divine right to rule. As well as the restoration of the Ancien Régimes.

 This user is Christian Orthodox

Faith is an important part in all of our lives and we live in hope that we can one day wlk the path of the righteous.

The outcome of the Congress of Vienna (1815)
 This user is Hellenic

As previously mentioned I am from Greece