The girl-child who would grow up to be blonde, beautiful Eva Haßman, actress, writer, and director, was born on December 29, 1972 in Herford, Germany. Her family moved to Bad Salzuflen and then, when Eva was four,they relocated to Braunfels. When Eva was nine another move brought her to Oldenburg, where she took singing lessons and tapdancing and ballet.

Theater was already in her blood. She joined a community theater group where she played "Prudence" in Christopher Durang's play "Therapie Zwecklos" (Therapy Futile) as well as "Nora" in Hendrick Ibsen's play "Puppenheim" ("A Doll's House") among other parts.

After she finished her secondary education and passed her Abitur, Ms. Haßmann moved on to Berlin where she got her first television and movie roles. She lived there for three years. On September 4, 2000, she married comedian and actor Otto Waalkes, who was twenty-four years her senior. She appeared in his film "OTTO: Der Katastrophenfilm," which delighted Ottifants and Haßmann fans alike. However, after eleven years of marriage, the couple parted amicably in 2011.

In 2006 Ms. Haßmann went to UCLA in Southern California to study directing.She directed her first film, Mad Lane,a documentary about the large numbers of homeless people near the Santa Monica pier and downtown LA. The film was shot in six days in eighteen locations, and it made a statement. Her first big movie as a writer and director was "Willie and Me," 2012

Short Bio of Eva Hassmann, actress, director, and writer