
Coding Assistance - The IDE provides certain features like code completion by analyzing the context , code navigation where one can jump to a class or declaration in the code directly ,code refactoring and providing options to fix inconsistencies via suggestions.

Built in tools and integration - The IDE provides for integration with build/packaging tools like ; grunt , bower , gradle , SBT . It supports version control systems like GIT , Mercurial, Perforce , SVN . Also database tools like SQL Server, ORACLE , PostgreSQL, MySQL can be accessed directly from the IDE.

Server Side frameworks - Intellij IDEA supports Spring ,Java EE , GWT ,Vaadin ,Play and Grails frameworks along with several other JVM frameworks and technologies including HibernateGuiceFreeMarkerVelocity,ThymeleafStruts, and more.

Frontend Development - Intellij IDEA supports Android Application Development by providing an integrated toolset called AndroidStudio as well as it supports JavaScript, HTML and CSS and their successors

Further reading
