Topic: Nelly Roussel

Sources: 1 2 3 4 5

Rough Draft:

Early Life and Family

  • She was educated at an elementary school, and then also by herself at home (n.d., 2002). #2
  • Nelly Roussel experienced difficulty during her three pregnancies (n.d., 2002). #2
  • Along with being an activist, Roussel was involved with politics as well. She testified at different trials including anti-militarist trials, like Hervé in 1905, anti-war trials, like Hélène Brion's in 1918, and created a lawsuit, which she ended up losing, against L'Autorité in 1906-07 (n.d., 2002). #2.
  • In 1920 she started a school to help teach women to be speakers (n.d., 2002). #2
  • She was raised as a catholic (Accampo, 2006). #3

Career Life

  • Roussel wrote about how she believed that sex should not just be painful and seen as only for childbirth, but also for pleasure for the woman (Davidson, 2007) #1
  • No matter marital, social, or maternal standing, she believed that women had the right to enjoy self-fulfillment in their life (Accampo, 2006). #4
  • Roussel got letters from her audience that discussed the impact she had on them (Margadant, 2000). #5