Missing articles about nobility and royalty
Thanks to User:14 novembre, User:BigEars42, User:Johnbod & User:Opera hat
Customs related to royals and nobles
edit- Court protocol- ()
- Dynastic incest royal incest - ()
- Family motto - ()
- Grand Customs, Dahomean royal funerary ritual - ()
- Kingly pose - ()
- Queen's Jubilee - ()
- Ring ceremony - ()
- Royal cult - ()
Courtly paraphernalia
edit- Blache of Anjou Emerald Crown - ()
- Crown Jewels of Habsburg - ()
- Crown of America -()
- Crown of Kazan Khanate - ()
- Crown of King Agilulf - ()
- Crown of Michael (Russia) - ()
- Crown of Queen Theodolina of Lombardy - ()
- Crown of Sri Vikrama Rajasinha - ()
- Crown of the Empress Farah, Farah Diba's Crown – ()
- Crown of Virgin del Sagrano - ()
- Doge's ring - ()
- Farah Diba's Tiara - ()
- German Royal Treasuries - ()
- Holy Roman Crown Jewels - ()
- Japanese National Treasury - ()
- King Spear, of the Solomons - ()
- King's Wardrobe - ()
- Knight's Cross of the Order of the House of Hohenzollern - ()
- Lahore Royal Treasury - ()
- Luke's Iron Crown - ()
- Royal Bible – ()
- Royal treasure of Lahore – ()
edit- Admiralty badge - ()
- Assumptive Arms - ()
- Assyrian heraldry - ()
- Baronet's badge - ()
- Cap of Dignity - ()
- Cross anserated - ()
- Electoral cap - ()
- Escutcheon of pretence - ()
- High Standard of Scotland - ()
- Iron Cross of Valour - ()
- Queen's chain - ()
Noble orders
edit- Bavarian Orders of Knighthood - ()
- Castilian Order of Santiago - ()
- Castilian Order of the Bard - ()
- Company of Distillers - ()
- Company of King Arthur - ()
- Corp and Order of the Young Male Falcon - ()
- French Order of the Star - ()
- House of St. George – ()
- Hungarian Society of St. George - ()
- Knight Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George - ()
- Knighthood of Christ of Livonia - ()
- Knights of St. Catherine of Mount Sinai – ()
- Knights of the Bath of England - ()
- monarchist order - ()
- Neapolitan Order of the Ship - ()
- Order of Merit (Oman) - ()
- Order of Monreal - ()
- Order of Montosa - ()
- Order of Our Lady of Manresa - ()
- Order of Sieve and Shears - ()
- Order of St. Marute - ()
- Order of St. Thomas of Acre - ()
- Order of the Bleeding Heart - ()
- Order of the Broom-Pon - ()
- Order of the Golden Apple - ()
- Order of the Passion of Our Lord - ()
- Order of the Salamander - ()
- Order of the Star of Perseverance - ()
- Order of the Tower - ()
- Order of the Tress - ()
- Round Table Company – ()
- Royal Order of the Drum - ()
- Saint Innokenty of Moscow Order – ()
Royal and noble families
edit- Balfour family - ()
- Bulgarian nobility - ()
- European royal families - ()
- First Muhammad Shahi dynasty - ()
- Genealogy of Seleucids - ()
- Gwonmun aristocracy - ()
- House of Restrepo - ()
- Moroccan nobility - ()
- Nikumbha Dynasty - ()
- Persian nobility - ()
- Royal House of the Wood - ()
- Second Muhammad Shahi dynasty - ()
- Shō Dynasty - ()
- Sinjin aristocracy - ()
Noble titles
edit- Avongate, Azanda nobles - ()
- Axekeeper - ()
- Baron of Naas - ()
- Bonnet Lairds Bonnet Laird - ()
- Budge Bachelors - ()
- Cavalieri di San Marco - ()
- Chief Butler of Ireland - ()
- Coraca, inca nobility - ()
- Count of Wrede - ()
- Court magician - ()
- Duke of Robert - ()
- Duke of Syrmium - ()
- Eduk, Haida noble - ()
- gentleman comrade - ()
- Gentleman in waiting - ()
- Gentleman Usher of the Robe - ()
- Gentleman-in-waiting - ()
- Gentlemen Commoner - ()
- Governor of the Citadel - ()
- Great Countess - ()
- High Councillors High Councillor high councillor - () / ()/ ()
- Kimbugwe, Baganda keeper of the royal umbilical cord - () / ()
- King of beggars -()
- King of Minstrels - ()
- King of Ribalds - ()
- Knight of Grace - ()
- Lord Llewellyn - ()
- Lord of Decies - ()
- Maharajah of Madras - ()
- Master of Aviz - ()
- Moutier of Argonne - ()
- mynheer – ()
- Official of Arts and Letters - ()
- Orders of India - ()
- petit sergeanty – ()
- Prince of beggars -()
- Rex saturnalicus -()
- Royal physician - ()
- Seal bearer - ()
- Tecuhtin, tecutli, Aztec noble class - ()- ()
- Titular king of Armenia -()
- Titular king of Cyprus -()
- Titular king -()
- Tuiana, Samoan king – ()
Ancient titles
edit- Hereditary chief - ()
Occupations related to nobility
edit- Court purveyor - ()
- Drawer Of Water - ()
- Hereditary keeper - ()
- Heritable usher - ()
- Maitre de - ()
- Master of works - ()
- Office of the pipe - ()
- Royal adviser - ()
- Royal physician - ()
editEgyptian nobility
edit- Chie Imai, Japanese royal furrier - ()
- Lucien de Barenton, advisor to Louis XIV - ()
- Samuel zum Drachen - ()
- Ventura Periente - ()
- Joseph Marburger - ()
- Joseph Pincherle - ()
Miscellaneous nobles
edit- Adelaide Ponthiey, female knight - ()
- Adieran, Libyan ruler - ()
- Alberica Filo della Torre, Italian countess - ()
- Alexander Pavlovich Dolgorouki, Russian noble - ()
- Anne Keith, Lady Methven of the Covenanters - ()
- Antonio Alberti-Poja, count - ()
- Asterro Manfredi, prince of Faenza - ()
- August Mannerheim (1805-1876) Finnish freiherr - ()
- Barbara of Erecourt, German noblewoman - ()
- Beata Hästenko (1754-1841) Swedish noblewoman - ()
- Bernard of Vincennes, French nobleman - ()
- Bint-Anat, Egyptian noblewoman - ()
- Bobjwale, BOtswanan queen - ()
- Carlo Pacelli, prince - ()
- Charlotta Maria Ramsay (1754-1816) Swedish noblewoman - ()
- Cia Degli Ubaldini - ()
- Countess Burita, Spanish noblewoman - ()
- Dhabba the Cahina, Queen of Carthage - ()
- Dom Antonio (pretender), pretender to the Portuguese throne - ()
- Edouard de Perregaux, French count - ()
- Elise of Powys - ()
- Enrico Galeazzi, count - ()
- Eristavi Saal, Georgian nobelman - ()
- Filippo Patrizi, marquis - ()
- Francesco Cantuti di Castelvetri, count - ()
- Francesco Maria Theodoli, marquis - ()
- Francois de Valois, duke of Anjou - ()
- Francois Louis de Beyerle - ()
- Giacinto Guglielmi, marquis - ()
- Giacomo Crescenzi, marquis - ()
- Gianfrancisco Gonzaga, duke of Mantua - ()
- Giesela, Countess of Eltz - ()
- Giovanni Antonio Faccinetti, Nobleman and nephew of Pope Innocent IX - ()
- Giovanni Battista Sacchetti, marquis – ()
- Giulio Pacelli, prince - ()
- Giuseppe della Chiesa, marquis - ()
- Grigure Florescu, Romanian nobleman - ()
- Guirande de Lavaur, medieval noblewoman - ()
- Harrophris, Egyptian pretender -()
- Hedvig Armfelt (1761-1832) Swedish noblewoman - ()
- Hedvig Eleonora Creutz (1666-1729) Swedish noblewoman - ()
- Herman Fleming (1619-1673), Swedish Freiherr and politician - ()
- Hermangarde - ()
- Hermann von Schönburg-Waldenburg - ()
- Hrebeljanovic Nemanitch - ()
- Igor Dolgorouki, Russian noble- ()
- Inez Suarez - ()
- Jean Bourré, French 15h century nobleman - ()
- John Marshal (Magna Carta counsellor) - ()
- Karlotta Libenstein, German countess - ()
- Kurt von Schlözer, baron - ()
- Lady Rous - ()
- Leone Massimo, prince - ()
- Madame de Retz - ()
- Marcantonio Pacelli, prince - ()
- Margaret Keith, Scottish noblewoman - ()
- Margaret of Attenduli, Italian noblewoman - ()
- Marguerite de Bressieux - ()
- Maria Peres de Enxara, royal mistress - ()
- Marie de Brabancon, French noblewoman - ()
- Marie Fourre de Poix - ()
- Mbuyu Mbuywamwambwa, barotseland princess - ()
- Muhammad II of Kelantan - ()
- Nicolo Turrisi Colonna, Baron of Buonvicimo, Italian nobleman linked to modern-day Mafia - ()
- Nikolai Dolgorouki, Russian noble - ()
- Octavius Spinola, Bohemian nobleman - ()
- Otto Fleming (1786-1851) Finnish-Swedish Baron - ()
- Paolo Matteo Doria, Neapolitan nobleman - ()
- Rani Paraminta - ()
- Rataffe, Prince of Madagascar - ()
- Regitza of Denmark - ()
- Rhodogune (daughter of Xerxes I) - ()
- Rhodogune (mother of Darius I) - ()
- Server Pasha - ()
- Sigrid Gustavsdotter of Bogesund - ()
- Silkhan-Saba Orbeliani, Georgian nobleman - ()
- Stanisko Pecci, count - ()
- Vassili d'Anjou Durassow, noble - ()
- Vratislav von Pernstein, Bohemian nobleman - ()
- Walter Mahomet - ()
- William of Bavaria – ()
Impostor nobles
edit- Allan V. Evans, British royal claimant - ()
- Angelos Apostolico Cantelmo Stuart, pretender family - ()
- Anna Quarl, "Queen of the Isle of Man" - ()
- Augustus Meres, false dauphin - ()
- Francisco Manoel Hannover-Coburg, claimant to the throne of the Holy Roman Empire - ()
- Georges Suleyman, Byzantine claimant - ()
- Hudson Grossett Heaven, "Kingdom of Heaven" in Lundy - ()
- Jean Marie Hervagault, dauphin pretender (d. May 8 1812) - ()
- Karl Fredericke Von Wettinberg, claimant to the throne of the Holy Roman Empire - ()
- Marco Tullio Catizone, impostor of Philip II of Spain - ()
- Martis Coles Harman, would-be king of Lundy - ()
- Nicolas I of Paraguay - ()
- Nikolai Chebotaev, fake tsarevich - ()
- Roberto Jesus Carillo, fake noble - ()
Organizations related to nobility
edit- Barotse Royal Establishment - ()
- British Royal Treasury - ()
- European Monarchist Association - ()
- Göttingen Royal Society - ()
- His Majesty's Own Chancery - ()
- Knightenguild - ()
- Měšťanská Beseda (Burghers’ Club) First social club of the Czech wealthy - ()
- Nkoya Royal Establishment (NRE) - ()
- Norwegian Royal Council - ()
- Royal Assent in Northern Ireland – ()
- Society for the Upbringing of Noble Girls - ()
edit- Aristocratic Reaction aristocratic reaction - ()
- Bancus Regis - ()
- Caciques of Guatavita - ()
- Charter of the Nobility (1785) - ()
- Conference of the Imperial Court - ()
- Court of the Welsh Marches - ()
- Court stable - ()
- False Orders of Knighthood False orders of knighthood – ()
- Genealogy and heraldry - ()
- Habsburg napkin fold - ()
- Heart of the Dauphin, Saint-Denis, France - ()
- Heraldic memorial - ()
- Meinie, meiny - ()
- Office of the Order of Australia - ()
- Order of nobility noble order - ()
- Royal Calendar - ()
- Royal cemetery - ()
- royal collector - ()
- Royal cult - ()
- royal Philatelic Collector - ()
- Royal Red Book - ()
- Royal seigniory - ()
- Secular-noble association - ()
- Statutes of Margate - ()
- Symbol monarchy - ()
- Thai court music - ()
- Viking monarchs, norse monarchs - ()
- Warming-pan plot - ()
- Wittelsbach Treasure – ()
- World-monarchy -()
See also
editRed links in: