User:SirMeowMeow/sandbox/Linear Maps



A mapping between vector spaces which preserves abelian addition and vector scaling may be known as a linear map, operator, homomorphism, or function.

Let   be vector spaces over a ring or field  . Then a linear map   is defined as any mapping such that:


Where  , and  , and  .


  • Linear combinations in   are mapped to linear combinations in  .
  • Group homomorphism implies identity is mapped to identity, and inverses are mapped to inverses:  .

Image and Kernel of a linear map


Image and Rank


The image or range of a linear map   is the subset of   which has a mapping from  .[1][2][a]


The rank of a map is the dimension of its image.[3][4][5][b]


Any injective linear map (monomorphism) is known as full-rank, and otherwise known as rank-deficient. For linear maps between finite-dimensional vector spaces, rank-deficiency may be defined:


Kernel and Nullity


The kernel or nullspace of a linear map   is the subset of   which is mapped to  .[6][7]


The nullity of a linear map is the dimension of its nullspace.[c]


Rank-nullity theorem


The rank-nullity theorem states that for any linear map   whose domain is finite-dimensional, the dimension of   equals the sum of the map's rank and nullity.[8][9][10][d]


Vector space of linear maps


Let   be vector spaces over a field   (or division ring for generality). The set of all linear maps from   to   may be denoted  [11][12] or  .[13][14][15]

Sum and scalar multiplication of linear maps


Let   be a  -linear map. The sum and scalar multiplication of linear maps is defined[16]


where   and  .


  • Under addition and scalar multiplication the set of linear maps   forms a vector space over  .
  • For finite-dimensional vector spaces,  .

Product of linear maps


Let  , and  , and   be linear maps. The multiplication or product of linear maps is defined[17][18]


where  .

Ring of linear maps


The vector space of linear maps forms a ring under addition and scalar multiplication.[19]

  Unique right and left identity
  Right distributive
  Left distributive

Composition of linear maps


The composition of linear maps is inherited from the composition of functions


where  .

Structure Preserving Maps

A conceptual dependency chart from automorphism to homomorphism.



A homomorphism is a structure-preserving map between two algebraic objects of the same type.[e] Linear homomorphisms are maps between vector spaces which preserves vector addition and scalar multiplication — this is an equivalent definition for linear maps.

The set of all linear maps   over a field   may be denoted  .

Every vector space has an underlying commutative group, and a group homomorphism will map identity to identity, and inverses to inverses.




An epimorphism is a right-cancellative[f] morphism, and a linear epimorphism is a linear surjection. A linear map   is surjective when every element in   has a mapping from  .


Every linear surjection has a right inverse   such that:




A monomorphism is a left-cancellative[f] morphism, and a linear monomorphism is an injective (or one-to-one) linear map. A linear map   is injective when every domain element is uniquely mapped to every image element.


Every linear injection has a left inverse   such that:




A linear isomorphism is any bijective linear map. This means that any isomorphism will have the same left and right inverse, as well as the same left and right identity.


For finite-dimensional modules, linear surjection, injection, and bijection are all equivalent conditions.[g]

Equivalent conditions


The following is a list of properties which are equivalent to linear isomorphism.



A linear endomorphism is a linear map   with the same domain and codomain, and the set of all endomorphisms on   may be denoted  .


  • One example of a linear endomorphism on any vector space is the zero map  .
  • For endomorphisms over finitely generated modules (thus vector spaces), surjectivity, injectivity, and bijectivity are all equivalent.



An automorphism is an isomorphic endomorphism, and all automorphisms are also permutations.

The finite symmetric group   is the set of all automorphisms on any finite set. The set of all automorphisms on   may be known as the general linear group of  , denoted  .


  • An automorphism that always exists for any vector space is the identity map.
  • An automorphism is slightly different than an isomorphism, even though they will both be described by square matrices; for example, there is an isomorphism from the reals   to the complex numbers  , but this is not an automorphism.

Identity Map


For any linear map   there also exists linear maps   which act as the unique right and left identity element under the product of maps.


Any linear map which fulfills this condition is known as the identity map, denoted  , or with a subscript   for some dimension  .

Invertible Maps


A linear map   is invertible if there exists a linear map   such that:


Linear invertibility, bijectivity, and isomorphism are all equivalent terms. With linear endomorphisms between finite-dimensional modules, surjectivity, injectivity, and bijectivity are all equivalent conditions.

Linear Forms


Let   be a vector space over  . Then a linear form is any linear map  .

The algebraic dual space is the set of all linear forms on  , and is denoted  [20] or  .[21][22] If the vector space has a defined topology, then it may be known as a topological dual space.

A linear map   is known as a natural pairing.



Let   be a linear map. Then there exists a dual map   known as the transposition.

Subspace Restriction of Linear Map


Let   be a linear map, and let   be a subspace of  . Then   denotes the restriction of   to act only on the subspace of  .

Famous Commentary


There is hardly any theory which is more elementary [than linear algebra], in spite of the fact that generations of professors and textbook writers have obscured its simplicity by preposterous calculations with matrices.

Jean Dieudonné, Treatise on Analysis, Volume 1

We share a philosophy about linear algebra: we think basis-free, we write basis-free, but when the chips are down we close the office door and compute with matrices like fury.

Irving Kaplansky, in writing about Paul Halmos


  1. ^ Alternative notation for image includes   from Halmos (1974) p. 88, § 49.
  2. ^ Alternative notation for rank includes   from Katznelson & Katznelson (2008), p. 52, §2.5.1 and Halmos (1974), p. 90, § 50.
  3. ^ Alternative notation for nullity includes   from Katznelson & Katznelson (2008), p. 52, § 2.5.1 and Halmos (1974), p. 90, § 50.
  4. ^ Alternative notation for kernel includes   from Halmos (1974) p. 88, § 49.
  5. ^ Let   and   be magmas. Then a homomorphism   is a map such that: The definition can be extended to monoids or semigroups by preserving the identity element  . 
  6. ^ a b In the context of commutative groups there is no difference between cancellation and the existence of inverses.
  7. ^ This property doesn't hold for infinite-dimensional spaces. As a counterexample, polynomials   have an infinite-dimensional basis, and the derivative is a surjective endomorphism on  , but the derivative is not injective.


  1. ^ Axler (2015) p. 61, § 3.17
  2. ^ Katznelson & Katznelson (2008) p. 52 § 2.5.1
  3. ^ Hefferon (2020) p. 200, ch. 3, Definition 2.1
  4. ^ Valenza (1993) p. 71, § 4.3
  5. ^ Halmos (1974) p. 90, § 50
  6. ^ Axler (2015) p. 59, § 3.12
  7. ^ Katznelson & Katznelson (2008) p. 51 § 2.5.1
  8. ^ Axler (2015) p. 63, § 3.22
  9. ^ Katznelson & Katznelson (2008) p. 52, § 2.5.1
  10. ^ Valenza (1993) p. 71, § 4.3
  11. ^ Tu (2011) p. 19, § 3.1
  12. ^ Valenza (1993) p. 100, § 6.1
  13. ^ Axler (2015) p. 52, § 3.3
  14. ^ Katznelson & Katznelson (2008) p. 39 § 2.2.1
  15. ^ Roman (2005) p. 55, ch. 2
  16. ^ Axler (2015) p. 55, § 3.6
  17. ^ Axler (2015) p. 55, § 3.8
  18. ^ Katznelson & Katznelson (2008) p. 39, § 2.2.1
  19. ^ Axler (2015) p. 56, § 3.9
  20. ^ Katznelson & Katznelson (2008) p. 37, §2.1.3
  21. ^ Axler (2015) p. 101, §3.94
  22. ^ Halmos (1974) p. 20, §13




  • Axler, Sheldon Jay (2015). Linear Algebra Done Right. Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics (3rd ed.). Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-11079-0.

Category:Abstract algebra Category:Functions and mappings Category:Linear algebra Category:Transformation (function)