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The term DRUNKAROKE was popularized by Edward James "Rocky" Balboa, a former radio/TV personality now operating a Karaoke company in Washington State. The word is a hybrid of "Drunk" and "Karaoke," which Balboa soon learned go hand in hand in establishments that offer both alchohol and Karaoke simultaneously. Rocky discovered that once the alcohol freed oneself from their inhibitions, it enabled a normally shy and reserved person to seek self-expression and empowerment through whatever song best suited their mood. The actual ability to sing becomes secondary to the fun and fufillment of this Karaoke Soap Box, thus creating the "Drunkaroke" phenomenon found in virtually every Karaoke venue on the planet.

Karaoke, by loose definition, is an everyman form of performance art in which recorded music is played behind a person who provides vocals to bouncing-ball lyrics on a TV screen. Although Karaoke has been around for decades, its popularity increased substantially in the 2000's thanks in large part to the FOX television program "American Idol," a showcase of unknown Karaoke singers that promised (and delivered) the fame and fortune most Karaoke shows only dream of. But as "Idol" producers soon learned, viewers weren't just tuning in for the top-shelf talent. Bad singers also enjoyed a monicum of fame, going viral on youtube and other social media sites. As anyone who slows down for a train wreck knows, sometimes bad IS good, or at least gets attention, which is exactly what the singer-in-question is seeking.

Drunkaroke wordsmith Balboa has capitalized on his inventiveness via production of a real-time reality show called "Drunkaroke LIVE," an uncensored broadcast that exposes the good, bad, and ugly of Karaoke bars and their patrons. "Drunkaroke LIVE" can currently be accessed at over 40 websites, but originates from


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