User:Silly rabbit/Sandbox/Cartan connection

Cartan connections specialize the notion of a principal connection. Roughly speaking, a Cartan connection can be thought of as a G-connection on a principal G-bundle on M, together with an additional piece of information: an analog of the solder form to identify the tangent spaces of M with in an H-equivariant manner.

Cartan connections and pseudogroups


Cartan connections are closely related to pseudogroup structures on a manifold. Each is thought of as modelled on a Klein geometry G/H, in a manner similar to the way in which Riemannian geometry is modelled on Euclidean space. On a manifold M, one imagines attaching to each point of M a copy of the model space G/H. The symmetry of the model space is then built in to the Cartan geometry or pseudogroup structure by positing that the model spaces of nearby points are related by a transformation in G. The fundamental difference between a Cartan geometry and pseudogroup geometry is that the symmetry for a Cartan geometry relates infinitesimally close points by an infinitesimal transformation in G (i.e., an element of the Lie algebra of G) and the analogous notion of symmetry for a pseudogroup structure applies for points that are physically separated within the manifold.

The process of attaching spaces to points, and the attendant symmetries can be concretely realized by using special coordinate systems. To each point pM, a neighborhood Up of p is given along with a mapping φp : UpG/H. In this way, the model space is attached to each point of M by realizing M locally at each point as an open subset of G/H. We think of this as a family of coordinate systems on M, parametrized by the points of M. Two such parametrized coordinate systems φ and φ′ are H-related if there is an element hpH, parametrized by p, such that

φ′p = hp φp[1]

This freedom corresponds roughly to the physicists' notion of a gauge.

Nearby points are related by joining them with a curve. Suppose that p and p′ are two points in M joined by a curve pt. Then pt supplies a notion of transport (or rolling) the model space along the curve. Let τt : G/HG/H be the (locally defined) composite map

τt = φpt o φp0-1.

Intuitively, τt is the transport map. A pseudogroup structure requires that τt be a symmetry of the model space for each t: τtG. A Cartan connection requires only that the derivative of τt be a symmetry of the model space: τ′0g, the Lie algebra of G.

Typical of Cartan, one motivation for introducing the notion of a Cartan connection was to study the properties of pseudogroups from an infinitesimal point of view. A Cartan connection defines a pseudogroup precisely when the derivative of the transport map τ′ can be integrated, thus recovering a true transport map between the coordinate systems. There is thus an integrability condition at work, and Cartan's method for realizing integrability conditions was to introduce a differential form.

In this case, τ′0 defines a differential form at the point p as follows. For a curve γ(t) = pt in M starting at p, we can associate the tangent vector X, as well as a transport map τtγ. Taking the derivative determines a linear map


So θ defines a g-valued differential 1-form on M.

This form, however, is dependent on the choice of parametrized coordinate system. If h : UH is an H-relation between two parametrized coordinate systems φ and φ′, then the corresponding values of θ are also related by


where ωH is the Maurer-Cartan form of H.


  1. ^ More precisely, hp is required to be in the isotropy group of φp(p), which is a group in G isomorphic to H.