User:SheaReinke/Campaign :smile:

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Campaign :smile: is a nice idea that a gentleman came up with on a website. The idea is to write in this fashion :exp:

A :wave: Hi! :wink: What are you doing tomorrow? :hmm: B :smirk: same thing I try to do every day :pink: A :snarf: balance a teacup on a flower petal? :goof: B :emph: try to take over the world! :point:

This is a "form" of chat grammar rules. The above could become a paragraph,

para: A :wave: Hi! :wink: What are you doing tomorrow? :hmm: B :smirk: Same thing I try to do every day :pink: A :snarf: balance a teacup on a flower petal? :goof: B :emph: try to take over the world! :point: Two mice in a laboratory communicate telepathically :wink: One is a genius :sing: and the other's insane :roflcopter: O :thinks: You see where I am going here :look:

And be considered 100% grammatically correct.
