Sharon Jones (author, entrepreneur) Born 1966 in Sydney, Australia. Often known by her nickname Shaz Jones.

Australian Internet Pioneer


Australian internet pioneer, known for creating "firsts" that advanced the nascent industry in the nineties and early noughties.

Jones founded Onliners (formerly, Shazian Enterprises) in June, 1994 - the first month commercial internet traffic was legalised in Australia.

In a Global First, she published the first book (The Faithfulness Myth) to a mobile device, and was featured in Wired Magazine (USA) in an article entitled "Will WAPers Be Readers?".

In a National First, wrote the algorithm for HSC Results online - the first education results published online in Australia. Went on to publish the University Admissions results.

In another National First, published the first Government White Paper to the web for NSW Government in 1996. Later that year, streamed the first live video from Parliament House in Canberra.



Her book "Never Pay Bills" became a number one best seller on Amazon. Other books by Jones include "Nagging Success", "Shortcut", "Witness", "Atmosphere", "Conversion", "Headliners".



Her magazine "Parramatter" is published monthly. Parramatter is one of thirty businesses Jones founded. Others include Just Add Money, iShare International, and 2015 Jobs (the "Uber" of Recruitment).



Jones attended seven schools in seven years during her early education. High schools included Jannali Girls' and Port Hacking. Her Bachelor of Business, majoring in Accounting, was interrupted by a two year break where she visited United Kingdom and worked in a variety of temporary jobs including at Halifax and Deloitte Touche Thomatsu in Bristol. Upon returning to Australia, she graduated from University of Technology, Sydney in 1993.



A strong Christian, Jones obtained a Diploma of Ministry (in Christian Ministry and Biblical Studies) from C3 School of Ministry Oxford Falls. And was later a Bible College Lecturer herself at MVCLC Ministries College and C3 College WA.



She is the first daughter and second child to Richard and Janet Jones (nee Job). Siblings are Phil, Andy and Chrissy.

Other Interests


Her interests include travelling, technology, computer coding, and media.