Basic Information


Hello! I'm SharkSnake98, an aspiring Wikipedia editor. I love Wikipedia as a source of free, easy-to-access information, and always enjoy reading interesting articles about topics I might not know a lot about; Thus, I'm glad I can contribute any way I can, from fixing grammar mistakes to adding citations.



During my free time, I have a few notable hobbies. These include:

  1. Reading books, mainly from the Sci-fi and Fantasy genres.
  2. Building and painting miniatures from the Warhammer franchises, such as 40K and Age of Sigmar.
  3. Playing video games, my favourites of which include Deep Rock Galactic, Vermintide 2, and SS14, a remake of Space Station 13.
  4. Listening to a variety of music, though my favourites are Jazz and Electronic music.

Wikipedia Goals


As a Wikipedia editor, I am always looking to improve not only the site as a whole, but also my own skills and abilities. Below is a list of various achievements I'd like to receive, and places I want to improve.

  • Fixing various grammar mistakes present in articles.
  • Earn acknowledgement for making Wikipedia a better place through good work.
  • Learn how to find and properly cite sources .
  • Create an article.
  • Engage with the Community

My Favourite Wikimedia Pictures and Articles
