United States Environmental Protection Agency, Military Spending, Hegemony, Dakota Access Pipeline

Dakota Access Pipeline:

February 14th, 2017

I plan to add a brief paragraph outlining the significance of the many Facebook check-ins that happened recently. I feel like many people would ask why this happened and what it meant.

How do we feel about adding more information on the Facebook check-ins and how certain youth were involved in the phenomenon?

Courtbnt (talk) 02:18, 15 February 2017 (UTC)

I think it would be wise to add a paragraph about the commentary people have been making about this situation in relation to the genocide of Native Americans by the first settlers in the 1700's. If I can find a way to write that in a non-biased way, I think it would be beneficial. Perhaps, a section on the role of social media and celebrities in this issue would also benefit the page.

Rlvenkat (talk) 07:45, 14 February 2017 (MST)

I plan on adding to the page by discussing the recent events with the Trump administration regarding the Dakota Access Pipeline. I plan on adding some information about the Administration's plans to continue the construction. It's important to add relevant and current information to the page because the newest information is from the 2016 protests, and there is a lot that has happened recently that could be valuable to add.


Might be beneficial to add today's events as well. I know its all ongoing information, but today ( Feb 22nd) marked am evacuation order for those remaining at Standing Rock. It might also be beneficial to add not just Facebook but how Twitter and social media have played a huge role in getting the word out. Police Brutality and controversy should definitely have some spotlight on this article. Anapandrade (talk)