Craig Norris (1996-) is a British child comedian,minor historian and actor that hosted The Big Comic show at the Hollyfield School in 2004 he later served in a minor roll in helping writing history of comedy.



Craig was born to Mrs and Mr Norris his and family in 1996.His family a long and rich history,in 1939 his grand farther,Bob served in the army and came back a hero.However this history of armies in the Norris family does not end in 1915 many family members went to war,sadly some did not come back.To see their family,by 1964 yet another Norris warrior appeared.Craig's uncle Bill.Another warrior of the Norris is Joseph Norris in Korea,during that time their was a civil war he valantly led the charge and lost his leg but came but warrior hero bit died of cancer in 2007.Yet this time his fathers side also inheratted a wealth for war,Rob was in the naval a trait not known to Norris family still is.