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The ACT Test is a nation wide test that requires all high students to take before graduating and entering college. Many colleges only grant admission through the scores from the ACT Test.The initials ACT stands for American College Testing. Students are tested on an advanced level of questions from Mathematics, English, Science, and Reading. The ACT Assessment test is only given five times a year; in October, December, February, April, and June. New York State does not have a February Test date. The ACT is offered three times a year at a variety of overseas test centers. When going to take the test it is required that students have a photo id,receipt for proof of payment, and a calculator for only the mathematical portion of the test.

Some helpful hints for Test-Takers

  • Go to bed early the night before the test
  • Follow the directions given to you
  • Blacken the spaces on your answer sheet completely
  • Read each question and the four or five possible choices carefully before answering
  • Answer each question.You are not penalized for guessing
  • Use a process of elimination to help you select the best answer to the question


