User:Sckavassalis/Markov dissipative evolution

Markov dissipative evolution is



For an open system, where the total system is defined by a density operator  , we assume it evolves according to the equation,


Where  , acting on  , and   and   are Schrödinger operators.

If we define a reduced density matrix for our system at time   as,


which is given in terms of the partial trace   of   over the environment variables. If initially  , we can define an evolution as,


This evolution is said to be dissipative if it satisfies these five properties:

(1)  is linear.
(2)  is positive.
(3)  is trace preserving.
(4)Failed to parse (unknown function "\rhoV"): {\displaystyle \Beta_t(\rho)=\sum_n V_{nt}\rhoV^*_{nt}}

