Exo Exo was an American alternative band based in Chicago, IL from 2000 to 2005. The band was started by lead singer/guitarist Scott Tallarida who had recently left Chicago's Trailer Hitch (Man's Ruin). He recruited the other four members: Doug Meis -drums, Jason Lee -guitar, Noel Arnim -bass, backup vocals. <Meis Death>The band disbanded in 2005 when the car Doug Meis was in was hit by a driver talking on their cell phone and killed, along with other Chicago musicians John Glick, the guitarist for the Returnables; and Michael Dahlquist, the drummer for Silkworm, who were also killed. It was reported that the woman was distraught and trying to kill herself.</ref>



Cite error: A list-defined reference named "Meis Death" is not used in the content (see the help page).
