User:Salmar/Missing articles

Other language FAs


This is a list of articles which are Featured Articles on other langauge Wikipedias, but appear to have no equivalent article in the English Wikipedia. If any of these articles do exist on the English Wikipedia, interwiki links should be added to the articles in both languages.

Afrikaans (af:) Voorbladartikel


Afrikaans WikipediaVoorbladartikel

This list complete as of August 18, 2008

Alemannic (als:) Bsunders glungeni Artikel


Alemannic WikipediaBsunders glungeni Artikel

This list complete as of August 18, 2008

German (de:) Exzellente Artikel


German WikipediaExzellente Artikel

Article English equivalent
Bäke (Telte) it's about something that's in Berlin, I think ... and it's a body of water
Große Dhünntalsperre a body of water somewhere; Große Dhünntalsperre?
Hochwasser in Würzburg a body of water somewhere; Hochwasser in Würzburg?
Hochwasserschutz in Dresden a body of water somewhere; Hochwasserschutz in Dresden?
Ludwigskanal a river? Ludwigskanal?
Osterseen a body of water somewhere; Osterseen?
Pegel Würzburg a body of water somewhere; Pegel Würzburg?
Walchensee I think this is a lake; Walchensee?
Wedeler Au a body of water somewhere; Wedeler Au?
Wiener Neustädter Kanal a canal, perhaps? Wiener Neustädter Canal?
Belziger Landschaftswiesen Landscape of Belzig?
Binghöhle a cave (in Germany?) Binghöhle?
Grabeiche Grabeiche? this is or has something to do with a tree
König-Otto-Tropfsteinhöhle König-Otto-Tropfsteinhöhle? a cave in Germany
Linde in Schenklengsfeld not sure what this is
Praviršulio tyrelis Praviršulio tyrelis? this is a marsh, I think
Parforceheide not sure what this is
Schöne Eiche (Harreshausen) not entirely sure what this is either
Staatsforst Burgholz Burgholz Forest perhaps?
Tägermoos possibly Tägermoos; it seems to be a place in Switzerland
Teufelshöhle (bei Pottenstein) Teufelshöhle? it's a cave in Germany, I think
Turracher Höhe not sure what this is
Erzgebirgspässe possibly Erzgebirgspässe? Its a region in either Germany or the Czech Republic ... or both?
Albertstadt Albertstadt? a subdivision of Germany of some sort
Gröben (Ludwigsfelde) not sure what this is
Prenzlauer Berg this is a part of Berlin, I think
Stangenhagen Stangenhagen?
Kals am Großglockner not sure, but it's in Austria
St. Jakob in Defereggen something in Austria
Hermannstraße Hermannstraße? It's something that's in Berlin
Rudolph-Wilde-Park Rudolph Wilde Park?
Schönhauser Allee not sure what this is
Archäologische Stätten von Agrigent an archaeological site of some sort, but otherwise I have no idea
Doppelgrab von Oberkassel an archaeological site of some sort, one which apparently contained human remains
Heiligtum der Isis und Mater Magna (Mainz) something else archaeological; the title mentions Isis, an Egyptian goddess, and the lead sentence mentions the Roman Empire
Ur- und frühgeschichtliche Sammlung der Universität Jena perhaps a collection of artifacts kept at the University of Jena?
Bücherverluste in der Spätantike something about books (?) or libraries (?) in "Late Antiquity"
Eusebia Eusebia, probably; someone from Greece from the 300s
Jaxa von Köpenick a Slavic ruler, apparently; Jaxa of Köpenick?
Krönung der römisch-deutschen Könige und Kaiser possibly Coronation of the Holy Roman Emperors?
Krönungsmantel has something to do with the Holy Roman Empire
Mathilde II. (Essen) Mathilde II, Abbess of Essen Abbey and grand-daughter of Emperor Otto I
Reichsschwert perhaps Sword of the Holy Roman Emperors? that seems to be what it's about; I don't know if it has a more specific name in English
Zeremonialschwert (Essen) the title looks like it means "Ceremonial sword" and has something to do with Essen Abbey; the Spanish article calls it Sword of Saints Cosmas and Damian
Fettmilch-Aufstand not sure what this is, but seems to be something that happened in 1614
Jakob Meyer zum Hasen someone from Germany in the 14- and 1500s
Oberlausitzer Pönfall not sure what this is
Vicke Schorler ?
Friedrich Daniel Bassermann Friedrick Daniel Bassermann?
Heppenheimer Tagung ?
Königreich Württemberg Kingdom of Württemberg — currently a redirect to History of Württemberg
Rurik-Expedition Rurik Expedition?
Friedrich Wilhelm Schulz Friedrich Wilhelm Schulz?
Fürstenenteignung ?
Kabinett Müller II ?
Ludwig Münchmeyer Ludwig Münchmeyer?
Zabern-Affäre Zabern Affair? or, based on the name of this article in other languages, Zabern Crisis, Zabern Incident, Saverne Affair, Saverne Crisis or Saverne Incident
Franz Exner Franz Exner?
KZ Ladelund seems to be about some sort of concentration or internment camp
Luftkrieg während der Operation Overlord seems to have something to do with air operations during Operation Overlord
Paul Moder Paul Moder
Seekrieg während der Operation Overlord seems to have something to do with naval operations during Operation Overlord
Max Windmüller Max Windmüller
Max Brauer Max Brauer
Frauenstimmrecht (Schweiz) Women's sufferage in Switzerland?
Geschichte des Kantons Aargau History of Aargau
Geschichte Heidelbergs History of Heidelberg
Geschichte von Höchst am Main History of ... somewhere
Geschichte der Stadt Mainz History of Mainz
Geschichte Matreis in Osttirol History of Matreis in Osttirol
Geschichte der Stadt Münster History of Münster
Geschichte der Juden in Ostfriesland History of the Jews in East Frisia?
Geschichte Osttirols History of ... ?
Geschichte Rostocks History of Rostock
Gotthard Neumann Gotthard Neumann
Schulprogramm (historisch) ?
Maria-Magdalenen-Gymnasium ?
Bundestagswahlrecht something about elections
Indianerpolitik der Vereinigten Staaten something to do with the United States and Native Americans
Negatives Stimmgewicht bei Wahlen ?
Dauerwaldvertrag ?
Finnische Verfassung von 1919 something to do with Finland in 1919
Weltbühne-Prozess ?
Dynamit Nobel Dynamit Nobel? looks like a company name
Gewerbesteuer (Deutschland) ?
Pecherei ?
Zitronenpresse this is about those things you use to squeeze citrus fruits ... what are they called?!
Braunschweiger Mumme ?
Weinbau in Stuttgart I think this is about wine or winemaking in Stuttgart
Sachsenross ?
Wappen Württembergs Coat of arms of Württembergs
Inuit-Kultur ?
Geschichte der Homosexualität in den Vereinigten Staaten History of Homosexuality in the United States
Die Amazonenschlacht a painting, I think
Bauernkriegspanorama ?
Darmstädter Madonna a painting
Otto-Mathilden-Kreuz a piece of art; a crucifix
Selbstporträt mit Palette (Manet) a painting
Skulptur.Projekte ?
Stuppacher Madonna a painting
Toter Uhu a painting
Wandbilddruck ?
Höhlentempel in Asien ?
Jagdschloss Grunewald ?
Jagdschloss Stern (Potsdam) ?
Lustschloss Favorite (Mainz) ?
Marburger Schloss Marburger Palace? Marburger Castle?
Schloss Neudeck Neudeck Palace? Neudeck Castle?
Schloss Raesfeld Raesfeld Palace? Raesfeld Castle?
Reichsburg Kyffhausen ?
Wiprechtsburg Groitzsch ?
Zitadelle Petersberg just a guess: Petersburg Citadel?
Alter Friedhof Bonn looks like it's about a cemetary in Bonn
Friedhof_der_Märzgefallenen another cemetary
Hauptfriedhof Frankfurt a cemetary in Frankfurt?
Essener Münster Essen Cathedral? Cathedral of Essen?
Kapellenkreuzweg Kloster Altstadt ?
Kloster Leubus ?
Salemer Münster Salem Cathedral? Cathedral of Salem?
Sankt-Michaels-Kirche (Berlin) Saint Michael's Church, Berlin?
St. Nikolaikirche (Potsdam) Saint Nicholas's Church, Potsdam?
St.-Paulus-Dom ?
Wallfahrtskirche Birnau ?
Alte Brücke (Frankfurt) ?
Alte Brücke (Heidelberg) a bridge in Heidelberg?
Altes Stadthaus (Berlin) ?
Dienstgebäude der Königlichen Eisenbahndirektion Berlin ?
Gottorfer Riesenglobus ?
Großer und Kleiner Engel ?
Haus Fürsteneck ?
Haus Zur Goldenen Waage ?
Historisches Rathaus Münster ?
Kursächsische Postmeilensäule ?
Markthalle III ?
Markthalle IV ?
Palais Thurn und Taxis ?
Rettershof ?
Steinernes Haus (Frankfurt) ?
Windmühlen in Berlin Windmills in Berlin?
Der arme Heinrich ?
Die Betrogene ?
Die ungewöhnlichen Abenteuer des Julio Jurenito ?
Else Ury Else Ury?
Wanderungen durch die Mark Brandenburg ?
Neues Königliches Opernhaus Berlin ?
bebop head ?
Frankfurter Stadtgeläute ?
Stufentheorie (Harmonik) ?
Georg Österreich Georg Österreich?
Dieter Süverkrüp Dieter Süverkrüp?
Jerusalemer Urgemeinde ?
Stuttgarter Schuldbekenntnis ?
Theophanu (Essen) ?
Suanhild (Essen) ?
Jüdische Gemeinde Esens ?
Fußball im Ruhrgebiet ?
Kreuzbergschanze ?
Rennsteig-Arena Oberhof ?
Bahnhof Tuttlingen ?
Ringzug ?
Pferdeeisenbahn Budweis–Linz–Gmunden ?
Albulabahn ?
Berninabahn ?
Carlsbahn ?
Innsbrucker Mittelgebirgsbahn ?
Lokalbahn Linzer Lokalbahn ?
Straßenbahn Innsbruck ?
Tendabahn ?
Waldviertler Schmalspurbahnen ?
Geschichte der Berliner U-Bahn History of the Berlin Underground? History of the Berlin Subway? ... I don't know which term would be used ... or just History of the Berlin U-Bahn?
Atom-U-Boot ?
Pegel Würzburg ?
LZ 120 ?
Fuchsstadt_Erdfunkstelle Fuchsstadt ?
Preußischer optischer Telegraf ?
Keramischer Faserverbundwerkstoff ?
Animal forensics Animal forensics?
Luftsack (Vogel) ?
Hemerochorie ?
River Continuum Concept River continuum concept?
Streuobstwiese ?
Corsia ?
Deutsche Rasenbinse ?
Scheiden-Wollgras ?
Blutzikaden an insect of some sort; part of the superfamily cercopoidea?
Schaumzikaden an insect of some sort
Zitzengallenfliege ?
Panay-Waran a lizard of some sort
Santanachelys gaffneyi an extinct creature of some sort
Meteorologisches Observatorium Hohenpeißenberg ?
Ries-Ereignis ?
Encephalitozoonose ?
Idiopathische interstitielle Pneumonie ?
Vom Nutzen und Nachteil der Historie für das Leben ?

Spanish (es:) Artículos destacados


Spanish WikipediaArtículos destacados

French (fr:) Articles de qualité


French WikipediaArticles de qualité

Article English equivalent
Cité de Carcassonne ?
Protagonistes de la guerre de Palestine de 1948 ?
Histoire de Corfou History of Corfu
Histoire des Juifs à Salonique History of the Jews in Thessaloniki?
Article 49 de la Constitution de la cinquième République française Article 49 of the Constitution of the French Fifth Republic?
Lois constitutionnelles de 1875
Ancien tramway de Rouen
Chemins de fer des Côtes-du-Nord

Italian (it:) Vetrina


Italian WikipediaVetrina

Article English equivalent
Mura di Asti ?
Mura di Genova ?
Chiesa di San Giorgio in Lemine ?
Santuario di Nostra Signora di Montallegro ?
Storia del mosaico both this article and Mosaico have interwiki links to Mosaic, which is .. odd
Tragedia greca Greek tragedy — redirect to Tragedy
Franco e Ciccio ?
Sentiero delle Orobie a mountain in Italy?
Dialetto tarantino appears to be a dialect of Italian, or a language spoken in Italy
De Catilinae coniuratione ?
Settimana Santa di Enna ?
Posidonia oceanica ?
Riserva di Monte Arcosu ?
Riserva naturale lago di Posta Fibreno ?
Museo nazionale della Magna Grecia ?
Presepe genovese ?
Storia della Corsica History of Corsica — redirects to Medieval Corsica, but surely there's more to the history than that
Assedio di Modugno Siege of Modugno?
Quattro giornate di Napoli ?
Storia del Piemonte History of Piedmont?
Storia di Modugno History of Modugno?
Storia di Torino History of Turin?
Maschio (meccanica) ?
Ferrovie siciliane ?
Strada Statale 17 dell'Appennino Abruzzese e Appulo Sannitico ?

Japanese (ja:) 秀逸な記事


Japanese Wikipedia秀逸な記事 ?

Article English equivalent
大友皇子即位説 ?
少年保護手続 ?
インフルエンザウイルス article appears to be about some sort of flu virus
染色体説 ?

Dutch (nl:) Etalage


Dutch WikipediaEtalage

Article English equivalent
Amsterdamse tram ?
Archboldomys kalinga ?
Admiraliteit van Friesland ?
Geschiedenis van Gouda ?
Koningsmantel something to do with the Holy Roman Empire; also a featured article in German
Geschiedenis van Mexico-stad History of Mexico City — redirect to Mexico City
Spoorslag '70 ?
Vergissing van Troelstra ?
Surinaamse literatuur Literature of Suriname?
Oud-Egyptische muziek Music of Ancient Egypt? Ancient Egyptian music?
Grote of Sint-Janskerk (Gouda) ?
Hooglandse Kerk ?
Tempel van Mars Ultor ?

Polish (pl:) Artykuły na medal


Polish WikipediaArtykuły na medal

Article English equivalent
Zofia Jagiellonka (1464-1512) Zofia Jagiellonka (1464-1512)? Zofia Jagiellonka?
Antoni Kucharczyk Antoni Kucharczyk
Antonio José (piosenkarz) ? — is not Antonio José, but I don't know what "piosenkarz" means
Góry Bystrzyckie (Sudety) ?
Stary Dwór (województwo lubuskie) Stary Dwór? I don't know what "województwo lubuskie" means
Stary Cmentarz Żydowski w Cieszynie a cemetary somewhere
Cmentarz żydowski w Skwierzynie another cemetary
Zamek w Rzeszowie ?
Kościół Przemienienia Pańskiego w Iławie ?
Pomnik Ofiar Czerwca 1956 ?
Historia grupy Pink Floyd History of Pink Floyd?
Sztuka grecka w okresie archaicznym ?
Sztuka grecka w okresie klasycznym ?
Wilk w kulturze ?
Język prawniczy ?
Olędrzy ?
Historia Ostrowa Wielkopolskiego ?
Historia Zielonej Góry ?
Historia Kielc ?
Historia Biecza ?
Heraldyka napoleońska ?
Burmistrzowie Cieszyna ?
Pizystratydzi ?
Kuchnia polska w średniowieczu ?
Polski (1320-1386) Historia Polski (1320-1386) History of Poland (1320–1386)
Fundacja dobrowska ?
Transport i podróże w I Rzeczypospolitej ?
Historia Wietnamu (do 1843) History of Vietnam (before 1843)?
Obrona Wybrzeża w kampanii wrześniowej 1939 ?
Historia Polski (1914-1918) History of Poland (1914–1918)
Torpedownia ?
3 Flotylla Okrętów ?
Bitwy polskiego średniowiecza ?
1 Pułk Szwoleżerów Gwardii ?
Garnizon Radom ?

Portuguese (pt:) Artigos destacados


Portuguese WikipediaArtigos destacados

Article English equivalent
Fortaleza de Sagres ?
Igreja de Vilar de Frades ?
Historia Naturalis Brasiliae probably Historia Naturalis Brasiliae, since it seems to be a book
História política dos Jogos Olímpicos de 1936 ?
de Sacavém História de Sacavém History of Sacavém? — also a featured article in Spanish