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1. The Silver Box (1906)


Jack Barthwick is the young son of a wealthy Liberal M. P. One night, he visits a prostitutel and gets drunk at her place.Then he quarrels with her and snatches her handbag out of her hand. When he arrives his house, he is unable to unlock his door because of the effect of wine. A poor man called Jones helps him open the door. He takes Jones in and offers him whisky. Then he falls asleep in wine. Jones also gets dead drunk. He has a spite against the rich. So, in wine, he takes Jack's silver cigarette box. Next day the prostitute calls at Jack's house and asks for her handbag. Jack's father settles her claim by paying her eight pounds. But Jones is arrested and prosecuted for stealing the silver box. He is aiso sentenced to three months 'imprisonment with hard labour. Thereupon Jones exclaims to the following effect : Is it justice ? Jack also got drunk. He also took a lady's purse, but he is given no punishment at all. Is it justice ? The play comes to an end.