Equine Muzzle


Equine muzzles can be donned for a number of reasons. It may be decided that an equine muzzle will be donned for the purpose to prevent biting of bystanders [1]. An equine muzzle can prevent a horse from biting a bystander by not allowing allowing any part of the bystander to enter the muzzle and the horses mouth [1]. The largest and most dominant reason for have an equine muzzle donned is to prevent uncontrolled or unwanted graving [1]. An equine muzzle can prevent grazing consumption by only allowing the very tips of blades of a plant into the muzzle and the horses mouth, and in effect limiting how much a horse can consume anytime the muzzle is donned [1]. It is common to have an equine muzzle donned in order to control a horse's consumption in a number of situations. Service horses such as police horses, carriage, and trail horses may have an equine muzzle donned in order to better keep the horse focused on their current task at hand. By not allowing a horse that has been tasked with a task to graze on plants that it passes the horse will in effect be more focused on the task it has been tasked with [1].

Muzzle's Role in Proper Equine Care


With taking care of a horse comes large responsibilities, and a muzzle helps play into those responsibilities. A muzzle can help control a horse's dieting behavior along with helping control a horse's interaction to people with its mouth [2]. Behind daily exercise, monthly hoof maintenance, and prevention of parasites, a muzzle is able to take part of two major concerns with the well-being of horses [2]. A muzzle for horses is able to limit a horses consumption which can easily limit how much a horse can consume, and thus limit a horse's caloric consumption. The limiting of consumption caused by a muzzle also helps prevent horses from eating harmful items which they may have chosen to have eaten otherwise. A muzzle can also help prevent a horse from attacking with its mouth and in effect prevent the horse from possibly physically injuring itself in that manner.

Dog Muzzle


A dog muzzle is not a fix or solution to a dog that is aggressive in nature. It is best for dogs to be attended while wearing a muzzle as muzzles are proven to be potentially dangerous to dogs [3]. If allowed, it is not uncommon for dogs to try to remove muzzles, and in their attempt physically harm themselves. Muzzle are not a natural item for dogs, however, with proper training a dog may act as though it is part of its nature to wear a muzzle. It is common for service dogs to wear muzzles while on duty. Service dogs commonly have muzzles donned while on duty in order to ensure that they are focused solely on the task of which they are tasked with at that moment.

Photo by: Kynvf

Laws Regarding Dog Muzzles


There are some requirements that require dogs to have muzzles donned in certain areas in the United States. In New Jersey if a dog is deemed dangerous, and not met with euthanasia, then that dog may be required to don a muzzle in public areas. If muzzling is deemed acceptable for a dog deemed dangerous then that dog is required to be muzzled whenever the dog is on public premises, and it shall be muzzled in a manner that will prevent the dog from biting either human or animal alike. In the case of muzzling a dog deemed dangerous it is also required that the muzzle does not interfere with the dog’s vision or ability to breath [4]. In Cook County, Illinois, dogs deemed dangerous are subject to having shorter leashing, and even possibly having to wear muzzles in public [5]. This is not an uncommon procedure for dogs deemed dangerous, and procedure such as this are common throughout the United Sates.

Dog Muzzle’s Affect On Insurance


Many homeowner's insurances do not allow for the owning of a dog breed deemed dangerous, and some will even void or cancel coverage if it is discovered that a dog deemed dangerous is owned by the property owners. Muzzles provide an option to many carriers of homeowners insurance in which a carrier of homeowners insurance can have active coverage, and own a dog deemed dangerous by their insurance provider. Proper use of a canine muzzle allows for the ownership of many dogs deemed dangerous by various organizations [6]. Canines deemed dangerous are commonly not allowed by insurance, but muzzles provide a convenient work-around for most people that are easily willing to train their dog to tolerate, and behave in their muzzle.

It is also common that in settlements regarding dog attacks that if it was not necessary to destroy the dog, that it may be necessary to have the dog wear a muzzle in public.

  1. ^ a b c d e "How To Fit A Horse Grazing Muzzle". equusmagazine.com. Retrieved 2016-04-12.
  2. ^ a b "Horse Care Guidelines : The Humane Society of the United States". www.humanesociety.org. Retrieved 2016-04-12.
  3. ^ Expertise, Pet. "Dog Muzzle Use Guide: Do's and Don'ts". www.petexpertise.com. Retrieved 2016-04-12.
  4. ^ "NY - Dangerous Dog - Chapter 69. Of the Consolidated Laws. | Animal Legal & Historical Center". www.animallaw.info. Retrieved 2016-04-12.
  5. ^ "Pit bull attack leads to rare vicious dog case". tribunedigital-chicagotribune. Retrieved 2016-04-12.
  6. ^ doi (2006-06-01). "Frequently Asked Questions on Homeowner's Insurance". Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation. Retrieved 2016-04-12.