

Scottish Philosophical movement

Established 2024 by 'Carrumba'

Carrumbaism is a philosophical movement based on Stoicism, Libertarianism and Consequentialism designed as a possible framework for those living in the digital age. It began development in March 2024[1] and embraces the use of Artificial Intelligence (Ai) as a core development tool, with humans as the ultimate arbiter of its final structure. As a starting point for this approach, Google Gemini was asked to weigh up the options of using an open source or bespoke Ai models, and whether it should have guard rails or be allowed to hallucinate[2]. It also explored the consequences of this principle in the event of the emergence of machine consciousness.[3] Development currently uses publicly available Ai Large Language Models (LLM) with a view to using a bespoke philosophy focused model in the future.

Core Principles


The core principles of Carrumbaism are open source and will evolve within the following core definitions:

1. Individual Liberty:

Borrowing from Libertarianism, Carrumbaism emphasizes individual sovereignty. Each person has the fundamental right to make their own choices, pursue their goals, and live their life as they see fit, as long as they don't infringe on the rights of others.

2. Reason and Logic:

Influenced by Stoicism, Carrumbaism promotes using reason and logic to guide our thoughts and actions. We should strive to understand the world around us, identify our own biases, and make choices based on clear thinking and objective analysis.

3. Emotional Control:

Similar to Stoicism, Carrumbaism emphasizes managing our emotions. We cannot control external events, but we can control how we react to them. By practising emotional control, we can avoid being ruled by impulses and make sound decisions in challenging situations.

4. Responsibility for Outcomes:

Taking inspiration from Consequentialism, Carrumbaism highlights that we are responsible for the outcomes of our actions. We should carefully consider the potential consequences of our choices, not just for ourselves, but for those around us.

5. Contributing to the Greater Good:

While emphasizing individual liberty, Carrumbaism recognizes the interconnectedness of humanity. We should strive to use our freedom and reason to contribute to the well-being of society as a whole. This aligns with Consequentialism's focus on positive outcomes.

6. Stoic Acceptance:

Carrumbaism incorporates the Stoic concept of accepting what is outside our control. We should focus on the things we can influence (our thoughts, actions, and reactions) and accept those that are beyond our control (external events and the actions of others).

7. Continuous Improvement:

Like Stoicism, Carrumbaism values striving to be the best version of ourselves. We should continuously seek to learn, grow, and develop our character, both intellectually and emotionally.

8. Peaceful Interactions:

Carrumbaism promotes peaceful interactions with others. We should treat everyone with respect, even those with differing viewpoints. Open communication, tolerance, and a commitment to reason are key to resolving conflict.

Online Community and Digital First Development


The Central Forum


Initially a Discord server, The Central Forum is an organised digital gathering place for Carrumbaists.

'Freedom Within Community' and 'Individuality in Service of the Collective' would be satisfied with the maintenance of this space as a hub for Carrumbaists to gather and develop the framework, as well as supporting each other while showcasing and developing their own skills. It would also provide a means to propose and argue for and against propositions to be included in Carrumbaism to overcome actual or perceived dichotomies and contradictions.[4]

On Individual Liberty


Initial thoughts


'Individual Liberty' is predicated on a digital-first society where the followers of Carrumbaism are free to follow their interests while sharing their knowledge and experience through the Central Forum for the benefit and betterment of others. Carrumbaists would be willing to share their skills and services with others in the community. By empowering others, Carrumbaists are helping others in their pursuit of happiness and making the world a better place. All those in the Central Forum should be mindful that skills and knowledge shared is not designed to harm others in their intent, independent of whatever traditional state laws decree. Consultation with Ai on how these skills are interpreted within the context of Carrumbaism should be used and discussed, with humans being the final arbiters of acceptance.[4]

Community and the Billionaire effect


Recent philosophical movements, such as Effective Altruism and Longtermism have been damaged by their association with Sam Bankman-Fried and, while Carrumbaism is a nascent philosophy it is important to establish a framework to ensure the input of any one member of the community does not have an outsized influence based on financial input. This issue is considered in the article 'Carrumbaism - what about others?'[5] which begins to lay out the framework for considering the impacts of donations on the development of the philosophy.

The key methods employed to try and ensure equality of input and community cohesion are:

  • Donations for community identified needs in the first instance
  • Requirement of donors to participate in the community, giving expertise for free
  • Community agreement on acceptance and use of any donation in accordance with philosophical principles
  • Recording of all donations against principles for full visibility
  1. ^ "Carrumbaism - a Philosophy for the Digital Age?". Carrumba. 2024-03-23. Retrieved 2024-03-23.
  2. ^ "‎Gemini - Building Carrumbaism with AI". Gemini. Retrieved 2024-03-23.
  3. ^ "‎Gemini - When developing a philosophy called 'Carrumbaism' in the event of the emergence of machine Consciousness, would Carrumbaism continue to utilise Ai in its development, regardless of whether its chosen model had achieved this level of development?". Gemini. Retrieved 2024-03-23.
  4. ^ a b "Carrumbaism and Individual Liberty". Carrumbaism. 2024-03-29. Retrieved 2024-04-10.
  5. ^ "Carrumbaism - What about others?". Carrumbaism. 2024-04-27. Retrieved 2024-04-27.