

In the pursuit of the Quest for Knowledge, there are those who have forgone bookish research and taken it upon themselves to scour the Imperium for new information to add to the ever-expanding libraries of knowledge within the deep recesses of Mars. The ultimate goal of the Magos Explorator's quest is the elusive Standard Template Construct. If the Magos Explorator finds himself on a sufficiently promising trail of an STC, he has the ability to call upon the impressive resources of Mars. With the blessing of the Fabricator Counsel there is little which can bar the progress of a Magos Explorator once he has started. There have been instances where a group on the Quest has even attacked Space Marines unwilling to cooperate with the Magos's demands. These actions are fully condoned by the Fabricator Generals as they see the untold knowledge which could be gained as wholly outweighing the cost of thousands of lives.

Magos Explorator of Mars


It is common for Magos Explorators of Mars to give themselves bionic enhancements to increase their physical strength and they are often seen with a wide array of close combat weapons attached to their limbs and mechadendrites. Their brains have also been enhanced to remove the baser instincts of fear and replaced with advanced Calculatory Assistance nodes which help the Magos in utilizing the units at his disposal in the most efficient manner possible. His mechanically precise tactics coupled with the religious zeal instilled by his faith in the Omnissiah makes the Magos Explorator of Mars a formidable opponent on the field of battle.

Magos Explorator of




Techpriest Explorators


Before ascending to the rank of Magos themselves, Techpriest Explorators must serve a prolonged term under the expert tutelage of a senior Magos Explorator. Eager to prove their worth to their superiors, Techpriest Explorators are fanatical in their devotion to the Omnissiah and the Quest for Knowledge, so much so that they inspire their fellow troops to great acts of heroism by their mere presence. Techpriest Explorators are also constantly vigilant for malfunctioning units and will quickly repair it by eliminating the faulty component and assuming command himself.

Mechanicum Assasins






The stndard issue weapon of the Skitarii is the Ignis Carbine which is a heavily modified version of the Hellgun. The stock is removed and the barrel shortened to make a more compact weapon. This would ordinarily decrease its power, but a special set of crystal lenses focuses the beam in order to maintain armor penetration and range. Though expensive and very arduous to maintain, the Adeptus Mechanicus arm the Skitarii with the Ignis Carbine due to their constant involvement in close quarters combat. The lack of stock and shortened barrel allows for easier handling in confined battlegrounds.

Combat Servitors


Fast Attack


Combat Walkers


Heavy Support


Lemann Russ


Basilisk Tanks


Praetorean Servitors


Super Heavy Support


Knight Titan


Smaller even than the diminuative Scout Titan, the Knight Class Titan was developed on the Forge World of Casafin specifically to combat a subterranian xenos which has been since deemed a breed of Tyranid. Their smaller frame allowed them to delve into the cavernous depths that the Tyranids had dug beneath the surface. The Knight Titans played a key role in the destruction of the brood, destroying the queen with minimal casualties. Casafin has since fallen under Hive Fleet Kraken and, though the majority of the Mechanicum was able to flee the invasion, the Titan Legions sold their lives bitterly against the chitenous hordes in order to ensure the safety of the rest of the planet's inhabitants. It is therefore rare to see a Knight Titan on the field of battle, and those that remain are mere remnants of a bygone era, but their Princeps fight with the fury of vengance for their lost Forge World and are eager to prove their worth.



Scout Titan


Terminus Pattern Land Raider
