

Hello, I am Rasimpson. My screen name is always Rasimpson. It has become almost a synonym for me. I actually think it is a pretty good username. Lately I seem to be finding more and more places where rasimpson is taken. I don't know why, it doesn't seem like something someone else would use. When I can't use Rasimpson I have taken to using Dazaras, which was randomly generated by the World of Warcraft character creation page, and suits me just fine.

my hobbies


1 Reading; I love to read, one of my greatest regrets about being so far behind on homework is that I can no-longer find time to read. My current favorite book (as of 12-11-06) is Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony, and I'm looking forward to reading the Golden Compass as well as the rest of the Diskworld series when winter break starts.

2 world of warcraft; this has emerged recently as I got bored of playing free internet games with bad graphics, ie runescape.

3 Magic: The Gathering; Magic is the greatest card game ever. And, not by coincidence, it was also the first TCG ever. All other TCG's are based on it, at least to some extent.

4 Wikipedia; I admit it, I'm a wiki-adict. I am supposed to be doing my homework right now, but instead I'm here, completly rewriting my userpage. Lots of people tell me that wikipedia is inaccurate because anyone can edit it, but I try to stick up for the wiki-ideals when I can. By the way, I'm also addicted to linking things as you may have noticed.

5 Travian; This might possibly be the single coolest MMO ever. It's a little hard to get used to because there's virtually no allowances for newbies, and you may have to restart a few times before you get the hang of it. Once you've got a city going and built a military you can join an alliance and then it really gets fun.

my favorites


Video Game; Pikmin is the greatest video game of all time (so far), Miyamoto is a genius. I am considering buying some of his other games. When I buy a wii, after the price goes down of course, the first game I'm going to get is "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess". I have beaten Pikmin and am trying my hand at Pikmin II, but so far all I've accomplished is to put a huge dent in my white pikmin population (at least I didn't run all my reds into an electric fence like I did last time). Super Smash Bros. Melee is, of course, not counted when determining favorite game because it is far too full of awesomeness to be considered a simple video game.

Book; as I said in the "my hobbies" section, my current favorite book is Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony

Food; I LIKE CHEESE (linking addiction strikes again)

Movie; not sure, I'd probably have to say something by Hayao Miyazaki, like spirited away, or something like that.

Exodus3000 is a fun game. You can get free stuff, but you shouldn't play it just for that. It's a pretty good game for how much it costs, which is nothing. If you try it out for 200 moves before deciding if you like it or not I get credit for recruiting you. It shouldn't take more than 10 or 20 minutes.

my watchlist


these are the pages that I am currently watching.

Great River Charter Montessori School I started this page about my school, which I think is a very good school, but many people have vandalized the page. It makes me sad that people from our own school would want to vandalize our own page. I hope someone takes it upon themselves to write a decent article on it, then maybe people will think twice about vandalizing it. Although I'm starting to think that I give people at my school to much credit. In the mean time I will monitor the page to delete vandalism and edit bad writing.