Jeh the citation you provided doesn't even support what you said. You don't even understand how the word should be use. First you should know there is no such thing in the world called is a solid state disk or solid state drive. That is why no documentation use that word. There was absoultely no article or news report in any website, magazine...etc that said the device is called Solid State Drive, so by putting the Solid State Drive/Disk it doesn't mean anything. If it did say, thats mean it is approved by some general public and therefore is legitimate to use, nonetheless it is supported by the minority or majority of the general public.

Solid State merely means the study of rigid matter and solid having the of electrical, magnetic, optical or mechanical properties. (Read this Solid-state physics).



-generally means the the space of the computer that is avaliable for internal solutions
-power traffic is regulate by motherboard BIOS, usually have its own interface and its own bus
-Purpose: Internal Solutions
 HDD (usually not consider because it is a must have)


  • Optical
  • ?Tape Drive
  • ?Media
  • FDD

Other Internal Solutions
-same power mechanism but doesn't use Drive space are
-use Southbridge

  • RAID chip controller
  • on-board network processor (Intel IXP2XXX,4XX, 12XX)

Other internal solutions
-same power mechanism, doesn't use Drive space
-use 'expansion slot

  • Host Adapter (ESDI, SCSI)

(This paragraph is personal opinion = Original Research: you don't have to agree)

  • In the future: I/O will most likely uses external solutions, because the speed is way too slow and it is nearly impossible to catch up to any bus use by mainstream.

External solutions
-uses I/O interface via HCI. (Such as eSATA HDD, FireWire HDD, USB).

  • interface: FireWire, USB, SATA

-Purpose: Design for mobile
-power traffic is regulate by motherboard BIOS

Expansion slots are controversial, though most people try to avoid using it, because it is considered more of a term that used back in the early stage of computers. People don't approve it, because



-the only difference is Laptop external solutions

Laptop external solutions -card slots + BIOS

  • regulated its own power

-they don't use HCI, because it is a waste of money, (because there is a dock station if you need it)
-therefore they rather uses popular interface

By saying ATA/ATAPI support SSD interface, first doesn't mean anything

  • Solid State Drive (drive is an external solutions)
  • Solid Sate Disk (NO disk is being used) eliminated, no questions

Ignore this suggestion use the the suggestion on talk page
It is more correct to say ATA/ATAPI support some SSD external laptop interface, because they support CompactFlash, but not external interface (for desktop) like SATA.

The SSD will most likley not be approved unless it uses it own interface, because the requirement for the need of storage is not optional, you have to have it in order for computer to work. Just because it is avaliable in a variety of options, doesn't mean you can choose to have it or you can choose not to have it.

I think obvious I don't need to say, most association don't even bother with mobile, because mobile are meant to be flexible, putting documentation would be strickening them too much.