(tag removed) merge|Rachack/Zvi Block}}

This analysis was written in response to another proposal to delete Zvi Block.

The following is an analysis of the first 150 Google search results for searching "Zvi Block" and "Tzvi Block" minus all the wikipedia-related results and wiki-clones in an attempt to establish the Rabbi's notability within his own circles.

(RZB=Rabbi Zvi Block)

Rabbi Zvi Block had a very special relationship with Irv Rubin and officiated at the latter's wedding and funeral. This was reported by the LA times [1]. See also [2] and [3] and [4] and [5] and [6] and [7].

[8] refers to RZB as a student of Rabbi Meir Kahane.

[9] is an article from the Los Angeles Daily News which reports RZB's synagogue rebuilding in 1992 after having been fire-bombed in an anti-semitic attack in 1991. see also [10].

[11] is an multi-faith panel discussing intermarriage of which RZB was a part of. The debate was aired nationally on PBS television. [12] is also a transcript of the said debate.

[13] describes RZB's thusday night lectures, which in 2003 had approximately 50 students, and now has much more. This is an article in The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles.

[14] is a Jewish newspaper in Pheonix which contained an obituary for RZB's late father, Rabbi Morris Block. RZB his son is prominently mentioned.

[15] is an article written by a Rabbi from Monsey, New York detailing his visit to RZB.

[16] displays a rabbinic endorsement by RZB for a non-profit organization to help needy families pay for education.

[17] advertises a lecture at a rabbinical conference in Israel in memory of Rabbi Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane.

In this letter, [18] RZB is mentioned as having rabbinical ordination from Rabbi Yechezkel Sarna.

[19] includes a first-person account by a student of RZB. [20] is also a student who mentions RZB.

At [21] and [22] one can listen to a guest lecture that RZB delivered in a Yeshiva in Israel.

In the year 1993, [23] RZB joined 999 other American rabbis in petitioning the release of Jonathan Pollard.

This Daily News article uses RZB's analysis as a political anyalist. [24].

RZB is mentioned on this [25] jewish music website as the father of Chaim Block, a member of the Jewish music group Shalsheles.

[26] is an article from a San Francisco Jewish newspaper which detailed an anti-semitic attack against a school which RZB headed. He was subsequently interviewed on the Laura Schlessinger show to discuss that event. [27] also discusses his leadership in that school. see also [28] and [29].

[30] discusses RZB speaking at a rally against Israel's disengagement policy in 2005 for an international organization known as Americans for a Safe Israel. In the following, RZB received an award at an AFSI dinner.

These are only search results of RZB recently and on the internet, but according to [31] he has been active in the San Fernando Jewish community for over thirty years. That link contains a short list of his synagouge's accomplishments. For some of his older accomplishments, see Google News archives [32] and [33]. According to Google books, [34] RZB is mentioned in one book. Also see Hebrew google search results for RZB [35] and [36] (although some of the these Hebrew results yield information about a Rabbi in the Israeli army with the same name).

(The following links that mention RZB are listings of lectures and prayer services in the Los Angeles area: [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50])