Zeit: 06:43 (UTC) +01:00 (CET/MEZ) = 06:43 (localtime) Edit count for RIPchen
06:43 (MEZ)

Today's Thursday, the 6. June 2024. It's the 23. week of this year 2024. The english wiki has atm 6,831,968 articles.

Introduction edit

Hi there! My name's RIPchen (okay, that's not the whole truth^-^) and I'm a de.wiki-User (Germany... GER-MA-NY! That's in what you call the old world ;-). I created this account for translating de into en and en in de articles. Hope I'll get along with you as well as I do in de.wiki! You can find my german profile here. My commons-account is named Pavel Picassi.

I am a 19-year old student from Munich, Bavaria, Germany. While I am still at school I give my best to contribute some important articles for this glorious encyclopedia! If you need something from me, just give it a try and mail me on my Talk page.