About me


I was born in Philippines and moved in the United States when I was 15 years old. What I like doing during my free time?

I like going on long walk around the water and driving around the coast especially, the Washinton and Oregon coast. I like going to the gym however, I hate doing cardio. I started learning how to golf on the weekends. My to go music. I love country songs. I listen to country music during my long drive or working out.

Wikipedia activities


I would like to provide informative information for people especially, for my fellow students. And voice out my opinions and concern about social media or any other website anonymously.

After using Wikipedia


Overall, after using Wikipedia for school and reading about different articles. I would say that this is an okay website but it's not the best when it comes to relaying information to public. Some sources can be bias and untruthful. Although, Wikipedia is organized with ‘talk’ and ‘edit’ tabs that invite participant-editors to converse and share ideas.

Article Evaluation


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