The Difference between Gharzai and Khilji tribes

Pashtun Tribal Structure

Pashtuns are divided into two main tribes: **Durrani** and **Gharzai**. The Gharzai tribe is the largest, comprising several sub-tribes and historically residing in the mountainous regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

      1. Gharzai Pashtuns

The word "Gharzai" comes from two Pashto words, **"Ghar"** meaning **mountain** and **"Zai"** meaning **people**, indicating that Gharzai are mountain people mean live in mountain areas. The Gharzai Pashtuns have historically lived in the rugged, mountainous regions, which shaped their culture and way of life.

This is not Ghalzi this is Gharzai

The Gharzai tribe consists of many sub-tribes,like Ahmadzi, hotak,marwat,andarr,tokhi,kakar,sherrani,kharoti,nasar,suri,Ghawrithese sub-tribes are divided into many other sub ribes like Ahmadzi is divided into Babakar khel,sulimankhel,ibrahim khel,Isa Khel, Jabbarkhel, Maruf Khel, Musa Khel, Zandak Khel, Yahya Khel ,stankzia, and sub-tribes is divided into other sub-tribes like babker khail is divided into rahat khial,langar khial ,turabi khail, sufyan etc,so gharzia have more than 200 tribes and sub tribes which have played a significant role in Pashtun history and politics.

Famous people 1. Haji mirza ali khan"faqir effi 2. Merwis khan hotak 3. Shersha suri 4. Dr najibullah ahmadzia 5. Dr Ashraf Ghani ahmadzia 6. Shihabuddin ghwri

      1. Khilji Pashtuns

The **Khilji** tribe, also known as **Khalaj**, has Turko-Afghan roots. The Khiljis are believed to have originated from the **Khalaj** people, a group of Turkic origin who settled in Afghanistan. Their migration is linked to **Turkistan**, a historical region that included parts of **Tajikistan**, **Turkmenistan**, **China (some parts)**, and **some parts of Afghanistan**. This region was known for its mixture of Turkic and Persian influences, and the Khilji eventually integrated with Afghan Pashtun society over time.

The Khiljis became a significant force in medieval South Asian history, particularly during the Khilji dynasty in India. Alludin khilji language is Persian not pushto

  1. Key Differences between Gharzai and Khilji Pashtuns

1. **Origins**:

  - **Gharzai**: Indigenous to the mountainous regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
  - **Khilji**: Turkic in origin, migrated from Turkistan.

2. **Cultural Roots**:

  - **Gharzai**: Primarily Pashtun with deep roots in the traditional Pashtun lifestyle.
  - **Khilji**: Turko-Afghan, with influences from Turkic and Persian cultures.

3. **Geography**:

  - **Gharzai**: Reside mostly in the mountainous areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
  - **Khilji**: Originally from Turkistan, but later settled in various parts of Afghanistan and India.

4. **Historical Role**:

  - **Gharzai**: Known for their strong tribal structure and influence in local governance.
  - **Khilji**: Played a significant role in the Khilji dynasty and the broader history of South Asia.


This should distinguishing between Gharzai and Khilji in a straightforward manner.

Reference "The Pashtun Tribes of Afghanistan" by J. E. Peterson"A History of Afghanistan" by W. L. Lane"The Afghan-Pakistan Border: A Historical and Political Perspective" by Dr. Khadim Hussain"Ethnic and Tribal Politics in Afghanistan" by M. H. B. A. Saad"The History and Culture of the Pashtuns" (Various Articles on Tribal History)"Pashtun Identity and Conflict: A Study of Pashtun Tribes in Afghanistan and Pakistan""The History of the First Muslim Conquest of India" by Dr. Mohibbul Hasan.