Hello everyone, and welcome to my page. In order to clear up any name confusion just refer to me as Popo. I am an aspiring voice actor who lives in Washington state. I am somewhat of a self-taught rockhound, and I occasionally enjoy going out on trips to collect rocks of all kinds. I also enjoy taking rocks I collect and turning them into jewelry of all kinds. I enjoy reading all kinds of books, but my favorite genres are Fantasy and Sci-Fi with Dune by Frank Herbert being my all time favorite book.

I have a few areas of interest I plan on editing while on Wikipedia. Firstly, I would like to read over a variety of different actor's pages to make certain they are all up to date. I would also like to edit articles on different types of minerals to make sure all their information is correct. Lastly, I would really like to edit some of the newer articles that come in on a daily basis. This is because I want to help more people look at newer, lesser quality articles.

Article Critique


I personally find medieval weaponry to be very interesting, so when I was asked to critique a Wikipedia article, I immediately started searching for an article about old weaponry. I have found one page that especially needs some work for it to be credible.  I visited the bowyer page on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: it has zero sources, has at least one irrelevant sentence, and is missing information about bowyers around the world.

Lack of Citations


Looking quickly through this article, one thing that immediately catches my eye; there are no sources. This is very troubling, because I, as a reader, have no reason to trust any of the information presented. This is a problem that quickly needs solving. Some research could be done to see if any of the given sections have any evidence behind them, and that would greatly improved the quality of the article.

Lacking Relevance


This article has some problems with keeping the information strictly to bowyers. For example, almost all of the makers of composite bows subsection is completely irrelevant. It does not talk about bowyers making composite bows, but instead spends more time talking about what a composite bow is. This issue is less prominent in the makers of self bows sub section, but is still there. This article needs to have material taken out and reworded, so that these issues of relevance can be removed.

Under-represented View Points


This page also has issues with under-representation. It only talks about bowyers in the united states. There is no mention of bowyers in any other country, such as China. If information on other culture’s bowyers was added to this article, it would greatly improve in quality.



In the end, this article needs major changes to even be considered ‘decent.’ If these changes, and others, aren’t made, then this page should be removed. Right now it is functioning as a dictionary more than an encyclopedia. This article could probably be merged with the history of archery page.