Hi! I'm a Sydney Uni student who is studying media and communications. I gravitate more towards words than numbers, which is why I have chosen to work on the stub surrounding academic review articles. I enjoy reading about topics related to food and cooking, but also have an affinity to topics related to ancient history. I like when Wikipedia articles have images embedded in them, so that is something I am going to try and incorporate in the stub I am working on. One thing in particular that I'm trying to improve on is referencing, as I find the numerous rules and formats surrounding referencing to be a bit confusing and overwhelming. Through writing on Wikipedia so far I have found remaining objective to be the hardest part so far. I am used to embedding my own opinion and writing style in my work, so maintaining a fact-based approach to the article I'm editing has proven difficult (but also rewarding) for me.

Some of my interests include coffee (copious amounts), reading, running, and talking (also copious amounts). As you can see below, I am also a lover of tofu.

TofuThis user enjoys tofu.