Greater German Reich
Großdeutsches Reich
Motto: "Deutschland uber alles"
"Germany above all"
Anthem: Horst-Wessel-Lied
and largest city
Official languagesGerman
Recognised regional languagesPolish, Danish, French, Lithuanian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Czech, Slovak
GovernmentAuthoritarian one-party state
• Chancellor of Germany
Arnold Brandis
• President of Germany
Heinrich Müller
Establishment9 November 1923
9 November 1923
• Enabling Act
5 January 1924
• Nurnberg Laws
9 December 1928
• Declaration of Mobilization
28 February 1930
• Anschluss
17 March 1931
• Start of World War II
1 September 1939
• End of World War II
22 October 1944
• Death of Adolf Hitler
4 May 1959
• Death of Himmler
18 August 1984
• Total
645,977 km2 (249,413 sq mi)
• Q1 2010 estimate
Increase 204,198,948 (4th)
GDP (PPP)Q2 2010 estimate
• Total
Increase $8.744 trillion (2nd)
• Per capita
$42,820 (4th)
GDP (nominal)Q2 2010 estimate
• Total
Increase $9.016 trillion (2nd)
• Per capita
$44,143 (5th)
HDI (2010)Increase 0.944
very high (1st)
CurrencyReichsmark (RM)
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy
Drives onright
Calling code+88
ISO 3166 codeDE
Internet TLD.deu

Germany, officially known as the Greater German Reich, is a country in Europe. It is the most populous country in Europe, and the 4th most in the world. It also has the 2nd strongest economy in the world. It is capital of the European Union, formerly known as the New Order. It is a union of 27 nations, as of 2010: Germany, Denmark, Poland, Croatia, Slovakia, Serbia, Italy, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg, Spain, Portugal, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus, Norway, Sweden, Finland, United Kingdom, Ireland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Iran, and India. Its capital city is Germania, formerly known as Berlin. It shares land borders with Poland, Denmark, France, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, and Romania.

On 9 November 1923, the Beer Hall Putsch, a Nazi coup attempt, was successful, thus marking the start of the German Reich, a political entity ruled by the NSDAP from 1922 to 1942, a totalitarian dictatorship led by Adolf Hitler. On 28 February 1930, Germany began a program of remilitarization, and declared war on Poland on 1 Sep 1939, starting the Second World War, with its formal end on 22 October 1944, with the signing of the Treaty of Novosibirsk, the surrender of the Soviet Union to Germany. The Soviet Union could not have a military for 50 years after the signing of the treaty, and was allowed only to exist behind the Arkhangelsk-Astrakhan line. It also had to pay reparations for 45 years. A cold war started between the United States and Germany, with the Washington Pact and the New Order being the two opposing factions. Hitler died on 4 May 1959, with Heinrich Himmler becoming furher of Germany.

Himmler liberalized the Reich. By 1983, it was still authoritarian, but not to the extent it was before he came to power. He also granted slight autonomy to Ukraine, Belarus, and the Baltics. The latter got full autonomy in 1980, followed by Belarus in 1982. In 1975, there was a failed coup against him, the perpetrators being members of the Communist Party of Germany, by then an underground yet very active internal movement against Nazism in Germany. This was during an economic depression from 1974 - 1976, in which during this time opposition to the government skyrocketed, with leaked plans of a communist revolution in the Reich. There were also uprisings in Reichkommisariat Moscowien, forming the Russian Socialist Provisional Government, joining the USSR in 1981. He allowed limited yet controlled opposition to Nazism, and after an uprising in the General Government, allowed very limited Polish autonomy.

After his death, Arnold Brandis become furher of Germany, but followed in Himmler's footsteps, and liberalized Germany even more. A series of student and worker protests in Germany from 1984 - 1985 turned bloody, culminating into the August 19th Massacre. He give more power to the Reichstag, but the NSDAP still maintained a monopoly on German politics. In 1990, Arnold Brandis became Chancellor of Germany, with Heinrich Muller being appointed as President of Germany. Brandis allowed full autonomy to Poland, and also renamed the New Order to the European Union in 1992. Reichkommisariat Kaukusien was turned into the National Republic of the Caucus in 1995, a mixed German-Russian state in the Caucus. He also let Germany and its allies join the United Nations in 1999. After the widespread adoption of the Internet, the Reichstag voted (801 - 75) to censor parts of the internet in 2010.

Germany is the 2nd largest economy in the world, and the largest in Europe, just falling behind the United States. It is a superpower, and has the highest quality of living in the world.



The Beer Hall Putsch


The Nazis came to power via the Beer Hall Putsch, a coup d'état in Munich. After the Putsch, Hitler immediately started consolidating his power.

Consolidation of Power


The Nazis were rather unpopular - starting rebellions from the KPD, SPD, and the Zentrum Party, all of which were quickly put down by the Sturmabteilung. The KPD was banned on 4 Jan 1924, with members being violently suppressed or executed, followed by the SPD and the Zentrum Party a few days later. The Enabling act allowed Hitler and his cabinet to pass laws without the consent of the president or the Reichstag. With the banning of most opposition parties, Germany became a de facto one-party state.



The German Rearmament Campaign (German: Die Aufrüstungsaktion) was a campaign started by Hitler to increase military production and size of the German military. Conscription was in effect on 1 March 1930, with all able-bodied men from 18 to 30 to join the military. From 1930 to 1939, the military increased from 100 thousand men to 2 million men.



After a coup by the Austrian Nazi Party, Austria joined Germany, with no referendums or opposition by the government.

World War II


After declaring war on Poland on 1 Sep 1939, they were defeated 2 weeks later. The Polish Army was extremely weak - almost no resistance was put up. Some partisians did fight alongside the Polish military, most notable the Polish Front, but were defeated rather quickly too. After Poland, France and the Benelux were to be invaded. However, due to the still stagnating French economy, the French military was rather weak, surrendering in 37 days. The invasion of Denmark ended in a drastic German victory, as well as the invasion of Norway. Spain joined the Axis, followed by Sweden, Finland, and Turkey.

Operation Barbarossa


On 22 June 1941, Germany and the rest of its allies, attacked the USSR. However, the USSR had been in a continuous state of decline since 1930. When the first German tanks rolled in, the Soviets were confused, but still defended fiercely. Leningrad had been taken after 336 days of siege, Stalingrad after 186 days of intense battle, and on 13 April 1942, German forces encircled and besieged Moscow. The siege lasted until 31 December 1943, and they surrendered on 22 October 1944.

Operation Sealion


After significantly increasing the size of the Kriegsmarine, on 6 June 1942, German forces landed on the south-east coast of England, and 3 months later, they reached the outskirts of London, taking it after a 182-day battle, and the British Government, after the Battle of Thurso, went into exile on 13 Jan 1944.



After the formal end of the war on 22 October 1944, Hitler announced one day later that, "the threat of Judaism and Communism has now been wiped off the face of Europe". A genocide accusation of Jews, Communists, Romani, and Slavs by Germany was set forward by the United States and the rest of the Washington Pact, but with the rest of the Axis and many other countries denying. The Volkshalle began construction in 1945 and was completed 2 years later, with Berlin changing its name to Germania. As Imperial Japan never joined the Axis, it surrendered on January 19, 1950. In 1947, Harry S. Truman announced the Truman Doctrine, pledging "support for democracies against fascist threats", officially starting the Cold War. He later founded the Washington Pact in 1949, with the United States, Canada, Free Britain, Free France, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, the Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, and (later, 1960) Japan in the alliance. The Axis turned into the New Order. Hitler's first speech in the Volkshalle essentially said - "We have realized the prospect of the thousand-year Reich has been ever more possible, with the surrender of the Judeo-Bolshevik empire!"

Germany began a program of demilitarization, converting military industry into civilian industry, and decreasing the size of the German Military from 6.5 million in 1944 to 1 million in 1950. Conscription was lifted. It also tested its first nuclear weapon in 1946.

A secret resistance organization, called the Friends of a New Germany, was created in 1950. Their slogan is, "The Reich may last a thousand years, but the German and oppressed people shall also resist for a thousand years". It was revealed by the CIA in 1951 that 13% of Germans secretly oppose Nazism, with the number on the rise. The genocide accusation against Jews, Communists, Romani, and Slavs by Germany also became increasely popular. A random socialist German said to the CIA, "It is impossible that, even with our own labour and conquered, that the build-up of this Reich had not been on blood. This empire seems "fake", if I can call it that. Also, I remember that in 1925, there were a ton of Jews in Europe. What happened now"? The resistance organization also allied with people in conquered territories. After the rise of dissent, mainly by Germans, the German Government began increasingly stricter censorship and dissent laws. Executions by the Gestapo were rather common.

After Hitler's Death


Hitler died on 4 May, 1959. A year earlier, he announced that Himmler will become new furher of Germany. 600,000 people attended his funeral on 10 May, being held in the Volkshalle. Himmler became furher right after his death, with a peaceful transition of power. He also wrote a new constitution, replacing the old, Weimar-era one.

Himmler began a period of liberalization, allowing controlled opposition to the government, but communists were still persecuted. The genocide accusation against Jews was still denied, with Himmler saying that the lack of Jews in Europe was only because they migrated out of Europe. He allowed people from the Baltics and Belarusians to live equal to Germans in Reichkommisariat Ostland, with slight autonomy. The Baltic states became fully independent in 1980, and Belarus in 1982. He also allowed Poles rather limited autonomy, and, by 1984, almost entirely ended slavery in the Reich.

Hitler already began a space program in 1952, called the Sternenreichsprojekt, however, Himmler gave much more funding to the Sternenreichsprojekt. Germany landed a man on the moon on 19 Jan 1962, but the space program did not stop at all there, with plans on landing on other planets. A moon base, called Eisenmond, started development in 1969, and was complete in 1983.

An economic depression from 1974 to 1976 caused opposition to the government to rise significantly, to an estimated 45% of Germans opposing fascism. The KPD grew quite a bit, and there was an attempted coup against Himmler by the members of the KPD in 1975. Demonstrations grew, with the Gestapo violently putting them down. An uprising in Reichkommisariat Moscowien, with the German Police Force and Military being unable to stop it, formed the Russian Socialist Provisional Government. This government joined the USSR in 1981, increasing tensions once again between the USSR and Germany.

After Himmler's Death


As there was not much of a cult of personality around Himmler, only about 10,000 attended his funeral. After this, Arnold Brandis was chosen by the Reichstag as furher of Germany, following in Himmler's footsteps and liberalizing Germany even more. He gave more power to the Reichstag, eventually becoming Chancellor of Germany in 1990, and him appointing a President. Slavery was officially abolished in the Reich in 1986, with him allowing the independence and existence of Poland. However, with the rise of dissent, he increased censorship laws. After this, RK Kaukusien turned into the National Republic of the Caucus, an independent state. He also renamed the New Order to the European Union, and allowed Iran and India to join the EU. With the creation of the United Nations in 1945, Germany, under Hitler and Himmler refused to join, but in 1999, Brandis let Germany and the rest of the EU join the UN.

With the rise of the internet, and the creation of the World Wide Web in 1986, German officials made the first website, deutschland.deu. A German socialist, Theodor Roehr, created the website sozialistischeweltrepublik.deu in 1996 as a forum for organizing socialism and socialist movements within the Reich. The website became the 3rd most popular website in Germany in 2004 according to unofficial statistics, with it getting banned in 2009. After this incident, the Reichstag voted (802 - 74) to censor parts of the internet in 2010.

German Demonstrations


After Himmler's death, Germans began protesting for further democracy, with some wanting a dictatorship of the proletariat. These demonstrations were supported by the KPD, Friends of a New Germany, the SPD, and to a lesser extent, the USSR and USA. The first started on 30 December 1984. At first, the German Police did little, but as they increased, protestors and police began clashing. Over the next few months, German demonstrations became increasingly more intense and frequent.

On 18th of August, 750,000 demonstrated in Germania, with 10,000 going on hunger strikes for a non-fascist government. These ballooned to 1.35 million on the 19th. However, with the overwhelm of the Police Force, Brandis declared Martial Law, and sent 160 thousand troops to Germania and other demonstrations. These demonstrations were put down violently by the Army, with reports of the Luftwaffe bombing their own civilians. After the clearing of Germania on the 20th, a French man wearing a red shirt stopped a convoy of tanks and IFVs. He appeared to be taunting the convoy. This was known as "Tank Man", with the massacre being called the August 19th massacre, or the August incident.

Flag most commonly used by demonstrators.

Leaders of the movement were immediately executed. 250,000 identifiable protesters were either sentenced to death, or were imprisoned for life.

After the demonstration, pictures and other evidence of this were suppressed, with the Martial Law ending about 2 months after the demonstrations.



Germany is an authoritarian, one party state dominated by the NSDAP. The Chancellor of Germany is head of government of Germany, appointed by the Reichstag (Parliament of Germany), whereas the President of Germany is head of state of Germany, appointed by the Chancellor. The President has representative powers, whereas the Chancellor exercises executive power through his Cabinet. New Reichstag members are elected in by other NSDAP members. The Politics of Germany have mainly been dominated by the NSDAP, but allows other right-wing parties to exist, such as the Deutsche Alternative, a slightly less radical party allowing for even more social reform, and Alter Weg, a party wanting less reform and is essentially like the NSDAP in the days of Bormann.

Germany has an authoritarian legal framework, based on its own Nazi law system, in which many members of the EU share. The German penal system seeks the harsh punishment of political prisoners, with less such for civil prisoners. For every 1M Germans, there are 985 prisoners, most political. Most crimes are political.

Foreign Relations


Germany has relations with 180 countries. It is a member of the European Union, a pan-European alliance and political union, and the United Nations. With the remilitarization of the USSR in 1994, tensions between Germany and the USSR have once again skyrocketed, with reporters saying that a 3-way cold war has started.



The German military (Wehrmacht) is organized into the Heer (Army), the Kriegsmarine (Navy), Luftwaffe (Air Force), and the Weltraumwaffenarm (Space Force). German military spending was the highest in the world, with it being 3.6% of its GDP, $324 billion. The Wehrmacht has the most personnel in the world, with 772,602 active soldiers and 73,196 civilians. Military service is voluntary. The Wehrmacht has 25,000 stationed worldwide for peacekeeping missions.



Germany has a social market economy, and the largest in Europe. The service sector contributes to 60% of the GDP, followed by manufacturing at 38%, and agriculture at 2%. The unemployment rate is 3%.