This is the number of mainspace reverts made by Huggle users since midnight UTC Jan 1 2024.
These stats were last updated as of 2024-06-05T13:34:06 UTC or 5 months ago. ( )
This is a transclusion of {{User:Philipnelson99/Huggle Stats/table}} in order to make it easier to manually update this page.
This table is generated using this query:
SELECT concat('{{noping|', actor_name, '}}') AS USER,
cnt_hg_revs AS "RV Count"
FROM (SELECT rev_actor,
Count(r.rev_id) AS cnt_hg_revs
FROM change_tag ct
LEFT JOIN change_tag_def ctd
ON ct.ct_tag_id = ctd.ctd_id
WHERE ctd.ctd_name = 'huggle') AS hg
LEFT JOIN revision r
ON hg.ct_rev_id = r.rev_id
LEFT JOIN page p
ON p.page_id = r.rev_page
WHERE r.rev_timestamp LIKE '2024%'
AND p.page_namespace = 0
GROUP BY r.rev_actor) AS hg_stats
ON hg_stats.rev_actor = actor.actor_id
[1] to the enwiki database replicas via superset and formatted to the wikitext above with a custom python script. I had previously collected the revisions via a python script and the mediawiki API but I find using the database replicas to be a more efficient use of my time for this task. I may eventually make a bot to do this but for now I'll continue manually updating it.