Real life seems to be an illusion, a state of mind rather than a physical state. I will try to combine both the mental and physical state to gives a balanced answer.

The majority of people don’t live in the real world, they don’t question? Why we are here or maybe it is the case that they do but it passes and are confronted with the distraction of the idea of life.

The basics being we live in a ball in the middle of space not actually knowing what our purpose is. To question our life is to undermine our physical and mental state of being. This can create fear and confusion this is why most people don’t do this enough. People seem to have been trained to think like this in order to function in our imaginary man made society for ulterior motives, which I will explain later.

This topic will create stigma and will no doubt have repercussions and arguments against and for.

If we look at the basics of our lives, we find ourselves confronted with day to day tasks to survive. We need heat, food and water this keeps our physical being alive (The same as bacteria) everything on this earth uses instinct and automatically knows this or nothing living would exist today. These things should be for all people for free in my opinion. This is not the case, people have to fight for just the basics in day to day life this pre-occupies us from our mental state of mind (This hinders mental growth and awareness).These distractions seem to be manmade to fit in with society's so called structure. The poorest people in this structure suffer. In my opinion this tells me the structure is not right. So what is real life? Who created it? Answer, us and our imagination. We got better and better at surviving until like most animals in a Pack, someone became pack leader, as we were no different to animals many years ago. So, from bacteria to human being as we call ourselves now and have categorized everything since our mental state of mind (intelligence) started to grow. This is now leading to a logical state of mind. This process is when we call anything a name and recognize it by the name in order for us to learn and have it as an object of function and use in our environment. This way we can categorize and put it into order so we can use and learn others what the object is and does. The mental state has reached teaching others now. This process is now not just about surviving as an individual or about necessity to survive although that is where it stems from. We now use Intelligence, logic instinct and imagination combined.


So we have reached a point in time where we can survive and we can provide the basics for all people on earth by using our advanced survival techniques. This now brings to light why is this not the case as we now know how to do it. This brings us back to my point regarding “People seem to have been trained to think like this in order to function in our imaginary man made society for ulterior motives. We have got better and better, until like most animals in a pack someone took it upon themselves to become pack leader or human leader in this case. This person will use animal and our new found human survival techniques Intelligence, logic, instinct and imagination combined to force or convince others they know the best way to do things. In the beginning of this process it was more likely force (animal) with the beginnings of our new found survival techniques. This I am sure was innocent and done with less awareness than we have today. The basic facts being, we live in a ball in the middle of space not actually knowing what our purpose is apart from function for survival. As societies got more and more advanced in the physical sense of the world, they also advanced mentally. The new found human pack leaders began to realize to question our life is too undermined their physical and mental state of being in there man made society. If the leader feels undermined this may jeopardize his position. This is not useful in a matter of function or when the new found pack leader (human leader) needs you to do something for for the benefit of themselves, as if we are still on survival this would be projected outwardly meaning starting with themselves. This would enable the human leader and his new found society and idea to grow further. This now brings us to projection and forward thinking through this process. This doesn’t mean in the positive sense for all you must understand as the human leaders are thinking of themselves first. This is obviously the train of thought as it is still the most prominent in this present day.


The leaders soon realized the people, his people as he likes to think, no not why they are here or indeed him apart from survival.(as we are spinning in a ball in the middle of space)This can create fear and confusion this is unacceptable in the leaders new found projection to grow further and secure his position.

He had to create a new way to control his people instead of just force( animal).He then created an idea that he alone new this purpose of life and he was chosen to tell the people as to what it is. He basically lied maybe unintentionally at first through instinct but none the less done this to control the masses (his people).This is why the majority of people don’t live in the real world as they don’t question? Their existence and why they are here. They or we have been trained throughout time to believe this idea.

The leader now uses fear tactics by saying he controls the stars or anything giant that is big and impressionable to control the masses and because it works… through time, part of him believes it. He feels the illusion of the power of the world in his imagination.

We have been trained throughout time to believe this idea. This is indeed only an idea but it is a dangerous one as it stemmed from selfish reasons that we are now aware to be the case. It stemmed from his fear thus created fear. We are all starting to realize something is not quite right in the way we live and in the way we think. It is important now to do things subjectively at the beginning and confer on the best possible action for all not just an individual or indeed individuals. This journey through time has been a necessary learning curve and we should learn from our past as I think and we all feel it is time to evolve mentally. This way we can change the way we think for the benefit of all of us and our children’s future.

I think there for I am.