User:Oldelpaso/Manchester City players without articles

Manchester City players without articles. Many of these players made only a couple of appearances for the club. As a result, several of them are unlikely to ever have articles unless they had longer careers with other clubs. Players that do have articles are at Category:Manchester City F.C. players

John Allan (1926-27) John Allmark (1937) Harry Angus (1892) Fred Appleton (1925-27) George Armitt (1892)

Alan Bailey (1998) Joe Baker (1893) William Baldwin (1906-07) Willie Banks (1905-06) Lewis Barber (1927-30) Albert Barr (1937-38) Peter Bell (1926-27) A Bennett (1893) Eddie Bennett (1926-29) Joe Bentley (1912) Robert Benzie (1925-27) Jimmy Blair (1906-10) Tom Blair (1921-22) Leo Bradford (1925) Harry Brown (1910)

James Calderwood (1922-26) Tommy Callaghan (1908) Mitchell Calvey (1894) Frank Carroll (1920-24) Joe Cartwright (1913-20) Jim Cassidy (1935-36) Harry Chapelhow (1909) John Chaplin (1910-11) Tommy Chapman (1895-96) Tommy Chappell (1897-98) John Clay (1967) Rex Clayton (1937-38) Rowland Codling (1910) Jimmy Conlin (1906-11) D Coupe (1909) Baggy Coupland] (1925-26) Andrew Cowie (1898)

Herbert Dartnell (1900-01) Alex Davidson (1900) Robert Davidson (1902-04) Frank Davies (1906-09) Robert Davies (1911) R Dearden (1903-06) J Dennison (1904) Bob Dennison (1925-26) John Ditchfield (1896) Robert Donnelly (1935-37) George Dougal (1898-1901) Jimmy Drummond (1902-03) Frank Dyer (1890s)

J Eden (1912) John Edmondson (1902-06) Andy Elliot (1982) S Eyres (1907)

Peter Fairclough (1919-20) Tommy Farrell (1907) Len Fletcher (1933-35) Alf Ford (1922) Clifford Foster (1927-28) H Foster (1896-98) Raymond Freeman (1937-39) Ron Frost (1964)

William Garner (1913-15) Peter Gartland (1914-15) Billy Gaughan (1914-15) Tommy Gibson (1927) Alec Gillies (1896) Fred Gorringe (1928) George Gray (1919-21) Willis Gregg (1937-38) Charles Gregory (1931-34) Bob Grieve (1906-09) John Gunn (1896-97)

Jack E. Hall (1915) William Hall (1906) Herbert Hallows (1901) George Hamblett (1907) J Hargreaves (1893-94) James Harper (1895-98) Bill Harper (1924) Jack Harrison (1929) (John Richardson Harrison b. Rhyl 1908, also played for Sheff U. and Brighton (Joyce)) George Heinemann (1929-31) John Henderson (1901-02) Frank Higgs (1932) Percy Hill (1906-08) Ernest Hitchcock (1909) William Hopkins (1892-93) Peter Horridge (1958-59) James Hosie (1901-02) John Hughes (1894) Reginald Humphreys (1910-11) Robert Hunter (1901-02) George Hutchinson (1894)

Tommy Ingham (1922)

Gary Jackson (1982) Francis James (1909-10) Harry Jarvis (1920) Len Jobling (1913) A Jones (1892-3)

Paddy Kelly (1920-23) William Kelly (1911-13)

Tommy Lamph (1919) Val Lawrence (1911-12) Peter Leigh (1960) Alex Leslie (1924) John Leyland (1920-21) Fred Lievesley (1921) Tommy Little (1894) Billy Lyon (1903)

George Mann (1894-97) Eversley Mansfield (1909) A McCabe (1896) Alex McConnell (1896) James McCourt (1924) A McDowell (1894) Peter McGuire (1913-14) Edward McLeod (1939) John McLeod (1935-36) Willie McOustra (1902-07) Harry Middleton (1892-94) John Millar (1896) John Miller (footballer born xxxx) (1902) (also played Hamilton Ac.) Joe Moffatt (1903-06) Felix Mooney (1892-93) Hughbert Morris (1922-24) Jimmy Mulligan (1922) Hugh Murray (1956)

John Nelson (1911) Frank Norgrove (1904-11)

Tommy Oakes (1947) Joe O'Brien (1893) Willie Orr (1901-03) Billy Owen (1935-36)

William Patterson (1896) Harry Pearson (1922) Jack Percival (1933-46) Peter Percival (1934) John Phillips (1925) Ernie Pickford (1893-94) J Platt (1896) Jack Pritchard (1938-46)

Harry Race (1930-33) David Ramsey (1909) Bruce Rankin (1907) Thomas Read (1896-1900) Bobby Regan (1936) Joe Reid (1919-20) John Ridley (1927-33) D Robertson (1893-94) George Robertson (1927-32) Jack Robinson (1938-46) L Robinson (1896) Peter Robinson (1946) Robert Robinson (1893) William Robinson (1904) David Robson (1890s) needs to go on 100+ list due to Alliance apps Colin Rodger (1936-37) Joe Rogers (1936-38) Sandy Rowan (1894-96) Stanley Royle (1922)

H Saddington (1893-94) George Salt (1911)) Jimmy Scotson (1901-02) Sid Scott (1919-21) John Shadwell (1935) James Sharples (1894-97) Albert Simpson (1922) Percy Slater (1900-03) Tom Smelt (1927) Harry Smith (1894-95) Jonathan Smith (1910-12) Arthur Spittle (1894) Alex Steele (1906-07) Fred Steele (1892-94) J Stenson (1894) Harry Stones (1893-94) Fred Sugden (1919-20) Dominic Sullivan (1983) J Swann (1909)

David Tait (1896) Frank Thompson (1922-27) Fred Threlfall (1899-1904) Herbert Tyler (1919-20)

Jack Walker (1894-95) Len Wall (1910-1913) Lionel Watson (1901) James Whittaker (1905-06) Danny Whittle (1890s) Jimmy Wilkinson (1907-10) Willaim Willey (1894) Billy Wilson (1922-27) Norman Wright (1934-35)

James Young (1905)