Riojan Style Potatos or Potatos with chorizo is a very popular first dish in the counties of Rioja and Álava, in Spain, though its consumption is extended in Spain. This starter is nutritious and suitable for cold weather.


No one can exactly ensure when it was created. However, Spain did not use potatoes until Napoleon´s invasion, with that it can be claimed it wasn´t until XIX when this delicious dish set up in Spain. It is also said that Chef Paul Bocuse tasted this casserole in a known winery, and after three more plates, told everybody Riojan Style potatoes were the best food he had ever eaten. The chef also recommended this plate to be the national dish of Spain. Nevertheless Rioja Style potatoes are usually served in the area of Alava and Rioja due to the perfect climate and the inexpensiveness of it. Nowadays in every winery are served becoming the most traditional and typical dish in northern Spain.

Nutrition Facts

Riojan Style Potatoes is the best recipe for winter time thanks its vitamin (Vitamin A, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, Vitamin K and Vitamin C) and minerals contribution (Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Magnesium, Iodine and Zinc). 416 Calories are consumed per plate and the 11% of the daily protein ingest.




  1. Cleaning : The Potatos must be cleaned, peeled and cut in varied shapes. The peppers should be cleaned and dishearten. After you cut it in strips. When it is all finished the onions have to be minced in orders to spread the taste.
  2. Preparation  : The stew will be prepared in the pot, where the garlic is browning with somewhat oil. When they are brown enough, the onion and peppers are included, and fry it until it begins to take color. After chorizos are added. When the stir fried vegetables are reddish, the potatoes are thrown and everything is stirred in order to coat the flavour. Thereupon is covered with water and it is boiled swiftly. After a short time of period, the burner should be lowered. It doesn´t matter if the potatoes break.
  3. Termination of the plate  : It is recommended to let the stew settle, even one day. Nevertheless, normally it is let two/ three hours rest in order to the stock thicken.
  4. Side dish  : Should the Rioja´s local costume be followed, green chilli pepper could be added



Riojan Style Potatos official page. Patatas a la riojana