User:Ohster12/Climate change and food security in Africa

User:Ohster12/Climate change and food security in Africa

Article Draft





Climate effects of climate change on the availability, usability, and accessibility of food supplies in Africa are referred to as climate change and food security in Africa.[1] The agricultural industry in Africa is experiencing the impacts of climate change, which are manifesting as reduced crop yields, animal mortality, and increased food prices. The global climate is changing as a result of both human activity and natural variability, according to reports. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) highlights in its definition that climate change is caused by human activity, either directly or indirectly. Climate change at the global, continental, and sub-continental levels has been observed to include an increase in air and ocean temperatures, sea-level rise, a decrease in snow and ice extent, an increase and decrease in precipitation, changes in terrestrial and marine biological systems, and ocean acidification.[2] Africa's agriculture and climate change are strongly related, Millions of people in Africa depend on the agricultural industry for their economic well-being and means of subsistence. The agricultural industry is responsible for more than 60% of full time employment in Africa.[3] Yet a variety of climate change-related factors such as altered rainfall patterns, rising temperatures, droughts, and floods are having a negative impact on the agricultural industry. Many African populations access to food is being impacted by these effects, which include decreasing crop yields, animal losses, and rising food prices.[4]


The effects of climate change on the availability, usability, and accessibility of food supplies in Africa are referred to as climate change and food security in Africa.[5] Climate change at the global, continental, and sub-continental levels has been observed to include an increase in air and ocean temperatures, sea-level rise, a decrease in snow and ice extent, an increase and decrease in precipitation, changes in terrestrial and marine biological systems, and ocean acidification.[6] The agricultural industry is responsible for more than 60% of full time employment in Africa, millions of people in Africa depend on the agricultural industry for their economic well-being and means of subsistence.[7] A variety of climate change-related factors such as worsening pests and diseases that damage agriculture and livestock, altered rainfall patterns, rising temperatures, droughts, and floods are having a negative impact on the agricultural industry in Africa.[8] Many African populations access to food is being impacted by these climate effects on the agricultural industry, which result in a trend of decreasing crop yields, animal losses, and rising food prices.[9][10][11]

*Moved this sentence so It would make more sense in the article.*

**Remove bolded text as it not necessary to include. The article is about the effects of climate change, not the causes.**

***Combined the two sentences. I had previously added the sentence attached to the citation in order to back up the claim in one that came before it, this makes the logic of the article easier to understand. ***

**** It is redundant to include sentences "The agricultural industry in Africa is experiencing the impacts of climate change, which are manifesting as reduced crop yields, animal mortality, and increased food prices." and "Many African populations access to food is being impacted by these effects, which include decreasing crop yields, animal losses, and rising food prices." because they contain the same ideas. I combined them, as well as their citations to retain the verifiability, to better accommodate the article****

Article body



Effects of climate change on African food security


Climate change has significantly impacted food security in Africa. The reduction in crop yields brought on by altered rainfall patterns and increased temperatures is one of the most important effects.[12] Climate change has also boosted pests and illnesses, endangering food output even more. Many Africans now find it difficult to get food due to rising food prices brought on by crop loss. The loss of livestock due to disease and drought is another effect of climate change on food security in Africa. For many people in Africa, livestock is a vital source of food, income, and labor. "The loss of animals, which has also resulted in livelihood losses, has further exacerbated the food security situation.[13] Climate change poses a serious challenge to food security in Africa, where agricultural yields have been gradually dropping, and where population growth and increased demand for food, water, and forage increase the possibility of hunger and under-nutrition.


Effects of climate change on African food security


Since 1961 in Africa, anthropogenic climate change has been attributed to a 34% loss in agricultural total factor productivity, which measures agricultural production as well as livestock.[14] The reduction in crop yields brought on by altered precipitation patterns and increased temperatures is one of the most significant effects because it causes variable periods of drought and flooding.[15]

A mass grave for children fleeing drought and famine in Somalia. They perished from malnutrition on the way too, or shortly after arriving to the refugee camp, 'Dadaab', in Kenya.

In 2010-2011, Somalia, a country on the Horn of Africa, experienced the East African Drought, which led to mass livestock fatality, and poor crop harvests.[16] During the famine (October 2010- April 2012), the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) estimated that Somalia experienced around 258,000 deaths attributable to the emergency, 52% of which were estimated to be children.[16] Somalia experienced drought again starting in 2020 and continuing through 2023, experiencing millions of livestock deaths, and poor/ failed harvests from 5 consecutive missed rainy seasons.[17][18] The WHO (World Health Organization) estimated that in 2022, 43,000 people died in Somalia because of the drought.[19]

The El Niño weather effect can severely alter climate in Africa, having the strongest effect of precipitation, it caused by the shifting of warm water in the Pacific Ocean, and was responsible for widespread drought, crop loss, and food insecurity in Southern Africa between 2015 and 2017.[20][21] In a statement in 2016, the SADC (Southern African Development Community) comprised of 16 member states in Southern Africa, estimated that around 40 million people within Southern Africa were experiencing or at risk of experiencing food insecurity because of the El Niño event.[22]

A Desert Locust (Schistocerca Gregaria) swarm photographed in Sudan. A relatively small swarm of Desert Locust, around the size of a square kilometer, can eat as much vegetation as 35,000 people.[23]

Climate change has also boosted the prevalence of pests and illnesses, endangering agricultural output and livestock production.[24] In 2020 and 2021 East Africa experienced a Desert Locust crisis, the worst of which Kenya and Uganda had seen for 70 years, that was caused by extreme weather events in the form of two tropical cyclones and increased precipitation in the region that provided circumstances apt for breeding.[8][24] Desert Locust swarms consume crop land at an alarming rate, a study conducted by the FAO in 2020 surveyed 7800 households in Uganda, and found that 15% of all households reported over 75% of their crop had been damaged due to the swarms.[25] Between 2003 and 2005 the Sahel region of Africa experienced a Desert Locust upsurge, which the FAO estimated to be responsible for a 80-100% loss in cereal crops, and a 85-90% loss in leguminous crops, in the countries Mauritania, Burkina Faso, and Mali.[26] The FAO estimated that 8,380,000 people from the countries Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, and Chad were affected in some capacity from the upsurge.[26]

Similar to agriculture, for many people in Africa, livestock is a vital source of food, income, and labor, which increases these communities vulnerability too, and exacerbates the food security situation.[27] In Nigeria and Kenya, drought and desertification are destroying grazing land at an increasing rate, leading to competition and violent conflict between livestock owners over grazeland.[28][29]

Many Africans now find it difficult to afford food due to rising food prices brought on by these losses, as of 2020, 77% of the population of Sub-Saharan Africa cannot afford to eat a healthy diet.[30] Additionally, because of the nutrition needs of adolescent women compared to men, more expensive foods are required to meet the nutrition baseline. Because of the increasing lack of these foods, in some places in Africa like Ghana, the cost for a nutrition adequate diet for women is three times that of a similar aged man.[30] Climate change poses a serious challenge to food security in Africa, where agricultural yields have been gradually dropping, and where population growth and increased demand for food, water, and forage increase the possibility of hunger and under-nutrition.

*Remove bolded text, the statement is uncited and previously established in the lead.*

**Altered vocabulary**

***Added sentence providing a statistic on the effect of climate change on food production in Africa***

****Edited sentence to provide more information and provide more to the article, added citation****

*****Combined two previous sentences that had very similar points to make the article flow better, maintained the citation.*****

******Remove sentence as it has already been stated******

*******Relocated a previous sentence, and added a piece of citable information that backs up the claim, citation added*******

********Remove sentence because it is redundant********


The main sources of Africa's 3.6% share of the world's Carbon dioxide emissions are gas flaring in the Niger and coal-fired power plants in South Africa.[31] But, the continent's forests are rapidly disappearing, which has terrible consequences for both Africa and the climate at large. Despite having very low carbon dioxide emissions in comparison to other places, Africa is more vulnerable than other continents to the damaging effects of extreme weather because of its unique vulnerabilities. In West Africa's arid and semi-arid regions, dry terrain or desert makes up three-quarters of the continent's surface. The Sahel is a region in East Africa Southern Africa, and Sudan. Economic activity is dependent on climate-sensitive industries, such as rain-fed agriculture, fisheries, mining, oil & gas, forestry, tourism, etc. Agriculture contributes around 70% of employment, 30% of GDP, and 50% of exports in a rain-fed economy. The agriculture industry serves as a safety net for rural poor people. People are increasingly susceptible since drought and flooding are more frequent and intense in many areas, including the nations surrounding the Rift Valley, the plains of Mozambique, Senegal, and The Gambia.


Africa's Vulnerability to Climate Change and Food Insecurity


The main sources of Africa's 3.6% share of the world's Carbon dioxide emissions are gas flaring in the Niger and coal-fired power plants in South Africa.[32] But, the continent's forests are rapidly disappearing because of *desertification and deforestation, which has negative* consequences for both Africa and the climate at large.[33] Despite having very low carbon dioxide emissions in comparison to other places, Africa is more vulnerable than other continents to the damaging effects of **climate change because of its unique vulnerabilities and reliance on climate sensitive resources.**[34] In West Africa's arid and semi-arid regions, dry terrain or desert makes up three-quarters of the continent's surface.

Rain-fed agriculture in the Sahelian country of Niger. Captured near the cities of Maradi and Zinder, in southern Niger.

The Sahel is a region that stretches from East Africa to West Africa, and is a transition zone between the dry Sahara Desert in North Africa to wetter areas in the south. Economic activity in the Sahel is largely dependent on climate-sensitive industries, such as rain-fed agriculture and Forestry, which are responsible for over 60% of employment as well as 40% of the regions GDP.[33] A study in 2014 on local communities near the Kahuzi-Biega National Park near Bukavu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, found that 94% percent of respondents relied on rain-fed agriculture for income.[34] Agriculture contributes around 70% of employment, 30% of GDP, and 50% of exports in a rain-fed economy. All countries combined, Africa relies on imports to meet around 85% of the food requirements of it's countries citizens.[8] Therefore, Africa is highly vulnerable to food price shocks, and especially crop price seasonality, which climate change is expected to further worsen.[10] A study measured the percentage of seasonal gap in food prices in 13 different foods, in 7 African countries (Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Niger, Tanzania, and Uganda) between 2000 and 2012. The study found that maize experienced a 33.1% seasonal price gap and sorghum and millet to have 22% and 20.1% seasonal gaps, however, the largest seasonal price gaps could be found in fruit and vegetables, such as tomatoes (60.8%).[35] The agriculture industry serves as a safety net for rural poor people. People are increasingly susceptible since drought and flooding are more frequent and intense in many areas, including the nations surrounding the Rift Valley, the plains of Mozambique, Senegal, and The Gambia.

*Added more information that describes the cause of the forest loss, as well as changed the vocabulary to not be argumentative in nature*

**Added information and edited sentence to better align with the citation and article**


  1. ^ "How Africa Can Escape Chronic Food Insecurity Amid Climate Change". IMF. 14 September 2022. Retrieved 2023-03-19.
  2. ^ Ofori, Samuel Appiah; Cobbina, Samuel Jerry; Obiri, Samuel (2021). "Climate Change, Land, Water, and Food Security: Perspectives From Sub-Saharan Africa". Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 5. doi:10.3389/fsufs.2021.680924. ISSN 2571-581X.
  3. ^ Beltran-Peña, A., & D’Odorico, P. (2022). Future food security in Africa under climate change. Earth's Future, 10, e2022EF002651. https://doi. org/10.1029/2022EF002651
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  5. ^ "How Africa Can Escape Chronic Food Insecurity Amid Climate Change". IMF. 14 September 2022. Retrieved 2023-03-19.
  6. ^ Ofori, Samuel Appiah; Cobbina, Samuel Jerry; Obiri, Samuel (2021). "Climate Change, Land, Water, and Food Security: Perspectives From Sub-Saharan Africa". Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 5. doi:10.3389/fsufs.2021.680924. ISSN 2571-581X.
  7. ^ Beltran-Peña, A., & D’Odorico, P. (2022). Future food security in Africa under climate change. Earth's Future, 10, e2022EF002651. https://doi. org/10.1029/2022EF002651
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  9. ^ FAO Regional Office for Africa (2009). Climate change in Africa: The threat to agriculture. Gamel Abdul Nasser Road, Accra: FAO Regional Office for Africa.
  10. ^ a b "Publication preview page | FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations". FAODocuments. doi:10.4060/ca9692en. Retrieved 2024-04-17.
  11. ^ Ortiz-Bobea, Ariel; Ault, Toby R.; Carrillo, Carlos M.; Chambers, Robert G.; Lobell, David B. (2021-04-01). "Anthropogenic climate change has slowed global agricultural productivity growth". Nature Climate Change. 11 (4): 306–312. arXiv:2007.10415. doi:10.1038/s41558-021-01000-1. ISSN 1758-6798.
  12. ^ Team, By Ellen Gray, NASA’s Earth Science News. "Global Climate Change Impact on Crops Expected Within 10 Years, NASA Study Finds". Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet. Retrieved 2023-03-20.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  13. ^ "Climate change in Africa: What will it mean for agriculture and food security?". 2022-02-28. Retrieved 2023-03-19.
  14. ^ Ortiz-Bobea, Ariel; Ault, Toby R.; Carrillo, Carlos M.; Chambers, Robert G.; Lobell, David B. (2021-04-01). "Anthropogenic climate change has slowed global agricultural productivity growth". Nature Climate Change. 11 (4): 306–312. arXiv:2007.10415. doi:10.1038/s41558-021-01000-1. ISSN 1758-6798.
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  18. ^ "Horn of Africa hunger crisis pushes millions to the brink | World Food Programme". 2023-05-24. Retrieved 2024-04-24.
  19. ^ "Somalia: Health Cluster Bulletin, March 2023 - Somalia | ReliefWeb". 2023-04-20. Retrieved 2024-04-24.
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