welcome to my sandbox!

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insular_Cases 1) generally provide more details. Page is very sparse. 2) give more background. Talk about why they are referred to as the insular cases. 3) write more about each case listed on the page.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Downes_v._Bidwell 1) specifically comment on how it affected Latin America. 2) Write more about the decision.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haiti#Early_20th_century 1) work specifically on the Occupation of Haiti section. Add in parts about patrimonialism using Renda's book and outside sources.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DeLima_v._Bidwell 1) write more in the introduction. 2) generally write more.

Annotated Bibliography for the Insular Cases (6-8 sources)

"CHAPTER THREE: AMERICAN SAMOA AND THE CITIZENSHIP CLAUSE: A STUDY IN INSULAR CASES REVISIONISM." Harvard Law Review 130, no. 6 (April 2017): 1680-1693. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed October 16, 2017).

    Discussion of the two tiered framework of the Insular Cases decisions; territories that were destined for statehood were treated differently than those that were not. This specifically affected Latin American territories such as Puerto Rico and Cuba. Provides a discussion of the contested nature of the Insular decisions. Also includes a brief history of the situation in Puerto Rico, and the impact the Insular cases had on it. 

MELÉNDEZ, EDGARDO. "Citizenship and the Alien Exclusion in the Insular Cases: Puerto Ricans in the Periphery of American Empire." Centro Journal 25, no. 1 (Spring2013 2013): 106-145. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed October 16, 2017).

    Provides important historical background on why citizenship is important in territories, why it was controversial in the United States, and how the Supreme Court played a role in this discussion. Highlights how the Insular Cases became a means to debate the legitimacy of colonialism etc. Discusses the impact the Insular Cases had on race and citizenship in said territories.

Torruella, Juan R. "Ruling America's Colonies: The Insular Cases." Yale Law & Policy Review 32, no. 1 (Fall2013 2013): 57-95. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed October 16, 2017).

   Most interested in the historical context this article provides as well as definitions of colony and territory. It provides an important discussion of how manifest destiny was a true motivator of the outcome of the Insular Cases. Important definition of the Foraker Act. 

WEARE, NEIL. "Citizenship in U.S. Territories: Constitutional Right or Congressional Privilege?." Centro Journal 29, no. 1 (Spring2017 2017): 136-163. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed October 16, 2017).

    Breaks down the citizenship clause of the 14th Amendment and the role it plays in the Insular Cases. Also adds clarity to Jones Act of 1917.

Perez, Lisa Maria. "Citizenship Denied: The "Insular Cases" and the Fourteenth Amendment." Virginia Law Review 94, no. 4 (2008): 1029-081. http://www.jstor.org/stable/25470577.

     Discusses implications today for Puerto Ricans because of the outcome of the Insular Cases. Discusses meaning of statutory citizenship Puerto Ricans currently have. Also provides more historical background surrounding Treaty of Paris and acquisition of Puerto Rico and naturalization. 

SPARROW, BARTHOLOMEW H. "The Public Response to Controversial Supreme Court Decisions: The Insular Cases." Journal Of Supreme Court History 30, no. 3 (November 2005): 197-210. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed October 16, 2017).

    Discusses public reaction to controversial Insular Cases decisions. Specifically mentions Congressional reactions, which is important as they are direct policy makers.

OUTLINE FOR EDITS 1) Improve the first section of the article. Right now it does not have a lot of details and is pretty vague. I want to add in parts about the implications of the Insular Cases today, because that is useful information to know if someone is just scanning wikipedia. 2) To both the intro and background sections I want to add a lot of historical context. Both sections lack major details about the history surrounding the Insular Cases. 3)I want to add a large discussion about the 14th Amendment and the role it played in the Insular cases. 4) I perhaps want to add a section about public perception when the insular cases decisions came down as well as perception today. I could also add this to the preexisting "critique" section. 5) I perhaps want to add a section about the overall implications of the cases.