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Elisa Freilich (born Elisa Frommer, September 15, 1971) is an American writer of young adult novels, including Silent Echo: A Siren's Tale.

She was born in Monsey, NY and grew up in Monsey. She has resided in New York City, Rochester, and Morgantown, West Virginia. She now lives with her husband and three children in Englewood, New Jersey. Her dad ran a corporate graphic design agency and her mother is an attorney.

In her autobiography on her official site, she says:

"There is not a single human emotion that has not been recorded in music somewhere, sometime..."


Elisa Freilich was born in Monsey, New York. She was raised in a traditional home where sleeping late was not tolerated, and time should always be passed in a productive way.

Freilich graduated from Boston University in 1993 as an Economics major. After college she went to work at her father's Graphic design firm, The Graphic Expression, in marketing. By the time she left, she was VP of Marketing.

As a child, she wrote poetry and lyrics. For her mother’s birthdays, she would create satirical newspapers, which would poke fun at family, community and friends. An avid reader, she’s always kept a secret treasure box of "to be used" metaphors and similes in her head. One day she decided to open that box up and tackle the novel. As someone obsessed with musical lyrics, she was determined to write an engaging and romantic story about a Siren whose whole supernatural existence hinges on music.

Freilich's first novel, Silent Echo: A Siren's Tale was published by Diversions Press in September 2013. It is a YA Novel about a modern day Siren who must accept the challenges of a supernatural existence in today's touch and tumble world

She is now writing Griffin's Call, the sequel to Silent Echo.

Influences: Pat Conroy, Cole Porter, Margaret Atwood, JK Rowling.


Silent Echo: A Siren's Tale, Diversions Press (2013)


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Novels: Silent Echo: A Siren's Tale

Related Topics: Fantasy literature | Young adult fiction

Category:Living people

Category:1971 births

Category:21st-century American novelists

Category:American fantasy writers

Category:American women novelists

Category:Women writers from New Jersey

Category:Writers from New Jersey

Category:Jewish young adult writers

Category:Jewish women writers