The Hero


The unnamed hero of the game (named Tir McDohl in the novelization by Shinjiro Hori). He is the silent protagonist of Suikoden and 16 years old at the beginning of the game. He becomes the Commander-in-Chief of the Toran Liberation Army and comes to bear the Rune of Life and Death. In combat, Tir wields a Bo staff.

Tir is the only son of Teo McDohl. Because of his father's demanding position and his mother passing away shortly after his birth, he spent most of his childhood in the care of a soldier named Gremio as well as two of his father's retainers, Cleo and Pahn. He also became close to Ted, a young boy brought into the McDohl household.

Tir eventually became an imperial soldier under the command of Commander Kraze Miles of the Imperial Guard. During one of Kraze's questionable missions, Ted is forced to use his Rune of Life and Death and is taken prisoner when Kraze reports this development to the sorceress Windy. Ted escapes and reluctantly enstrusts Tir with the burden of bearing the True Rune. Tir and his loyal servants are soon branded traitors and Ted is taken prisoner once more. They are fortunately rescued by Viktor, a member of the Toran Liberation Army and welcomed into their ranks by Odessa Silverberg, the army's leader.

After winning Odessa's respect, she soon becomes to see him as a potential successor. When she is assassinated, Tir is elected to become the army's new leader. During the army's two year campaign, Tir successfully gains the support of a diverse range of groups and obtains political alliances with numerous local leaders, defeats (but does not destroy) the undead vampire Neclord and gains the aid of the Dragon Knights. However, as the bearer of the Rune of Life and Death, he bears the burden of the grief and suffering absorbed by the True Rune as his loved ones die as a result of his actions. According to the novelization, the seer Leknaat reveals that Ted was able to conquer the True Rune's curse; upon the revelation that the rune's curse could be overcome, Tir strives to do the same.

He appears as a secret playable character in Suikoden II if certain conditions are met and makes a cameo appearance in Suikogaiden Vol 2.





Riou is the name given the hero of Suikoden II in its novelization. He is the silent protagonist of Suikoden II. He also makes cameo appearances in Suikogaiden Vol 1 and Suikogaiden Vol 2. Riou is a soldier of the Highland Army's Unicorn Youth Brigade and 16 years old at the beginning of Suikoden II. He wields a tonfa and becomes the bearer of the Bright Shield Rune.

As a child, Riou had been left an orphan by wars and he and a girl named Nanami were adopted by a hero named Genkaku. He grew up in a small Highland town called Kyaro and eventually became friends with Jowy Atreides. Along with Nanami, they would train under Genkaku to become strong fighters. Riou and Jowy went on to join the Unicorn Youth Brigade.

When the Youth Brigade is slaughtered by Luca Blight as an instigator for war, Riou ends up separated from Jowy and captured by a band of mercenaries under the command of Viktor. Jowy attempts to rescue him, but the boys were both caught. After several attempts, they manage to escape and eventually reunite with Nanami. Their reunion is fleeting as Riou and Jowy are arrested soon afterwards by their former captain. They are rescued by Viktor and Flik; the boys and Nanami escape from Highland and aid Viktor by recruiting more mercenaries.

During the Dunan Unification War, Riou and Jowy are approached by the strategist, Apple, who intends to approach Viktor and provide him information concerning the plans of the Highland Kingdom. After recruiting Tsai and witnessing the insanity of Luca Blight, Riou and Jowy join the Dunan Unification Army. Riou becomes the leader of the Dunan Unification Army after defeating Solon Jhee. However, he soon finds that he must fight against Jowy after Jowy marries Jillia Blight and becomes Commander-in-Chief of Highland Kingdom's army. Both young men end up inheriting half of the Rune of Beginning and must end the war before their friendship is torn apart forever.





Thomas is the master of Budehuc castle and 15 years old during the events of Suikoden III. He was born in the Northern Outlands and lived with his mother. When his mother died, he went to the Grasslands to find his father, Lowma, who was a member of the Zexen Council. Lowma did not give a warm welcome to his illegitimate son whom he had no use for and could damage his reputation. Seeking to remove him in a way that was at least honorable on the face for a nobleman's son, Thomas was made master of the rundown Budehuc castle. Thomas greatly doubted his ability to manage the castle initially.

Soon after Thomas arrives, he finds that the finances for the castle are extremely small, explaining the poor upkeep of the grounds. Not wishing to reduce an already depleted staff, Thomas embarks upon a scheme to attract more business to the castle. Martha, an older Grasslander, recalls when business thrived and the castle was a free trade zone between Zexen and the Grasslands. Thomas decides to seek out merchants to come set up shop at Budehuc, realizing that this would probably bring down the wrath of the Zexen merchants on a competitor biting into their sales. Thomas and a select few servants- Cecile, Piccolo, and Juan- set out to inform others that Budehuc is welcoming anyone who wishes to open a shop there. (Through cutscenes, Thomas can meet all three of the other main characters and convince them to also inform travelers that Budehuc is looking for shop owners).

The later parts of Thomas's chapters deal with the Zexen Council sending their knights to interfere with Thomas's plans. Thomas is eventually asked to give the castle a new name, since no one could pronounce "Budehuc" correctly and Thomas was the real owner of the castle after standing up to the Zexen Council. Eventually, Thomas offers his castle for use by the second Fire Bringer in Chapter 4 after the Harmonian attack.

Thomas is the chronological successor of Riou as the Tenkai Star, the first position among the Stars of Destiny, traditionally held by the main character in the Suikoden series who have the task of gathering the remaining stars under their lead. Whereas his predecessors were all distinguished war heroes, Thomas creates a contrast by playing the role of a normal person who does his best within a difficult situation, as he not only has no real military expertise nor does he bear any special Rune, but he is also not designated as the leader of the eventually formed army. While the other viewpoint characters start at more elevated levels, such as Hugo at level 5 and Chris at level 20, Thomas and Cecile both start at level 1.

In combat, Thomas uses a sword. He has a combination attack with Cecile entitled "Best Effort" which leaves Thomas unbalanced.



Lazlo is the name given for the hero of Suikoden IV in its novelization. He is the non-speaking protagonist of Suikoden IV and 19 years old during it; if all 108 Stars of Destiny are acquired and the save data is imported, he can be acquired in Suikoden Tactics as well. Lazlo uses dual swords in battle.

Born in the Kingdom of Obel to King Lino en Kuldes and his wife, Lazlo was lost at sea after his mother unleashed the power of the Rune of Punishment to drive away a gang of pirates. Miraculously, he survived and washed up on the shores of Razril, where he was adopted by the town’s lord, Vincent Vingerhut, as a playmate for his son, Snowe. The two boys began training to become Knights of Gaien under the command of Glen Cott. Favoured by Glen because he excelled in his studies, Lazlo was overshadowed by Snowe, who was given special treatment due to his father's status. Shortly after they graduate from the academy, Lazlo and Snowe are assigned to escort the merchant Ramada to Illuya. During their journey, they are attacked by the newest bearer of the Rune of Punishment, the pirate Brandeau. Snowe flees while Lazlo fights and defeats Brandeau; however, Glen's intervention just as Brandeau dies results in him becoming the new bearer of the Rune of Punishment rather than Lazlo.

When Glen is forced to use the rune to repel invading pirates from Razril, Lazlo comes to Glen's aid and ends up inheriting the rune. However, Snowe witnesses the event and believes that Lazlo has murdered Glen; Lazlo is subsequently exiled from Razril in a tiny boat accompanied by two of his friends from the academy and Nay-Kobold Chiepoo. After encountering Kooluk Naval Commander Troy, the four are found by a rescue ship from Obel. Lazlo is unwittingly reunited with Lino and his sister Flare and agrees to help them repel the Kooluk Empire from expanding their territory into the Island Nations.

Lazlo, Lino, and their companions are forced to flee from Obel and form an alliance with Pirate Queen Kika, but find opposition when Snowe, now commander of Razril's Knights of Gaien, allies himself with the Kooluk Empire. With the help of strategist Elenor Silverberg, Lazlo succeeds in liberating the remaining islands from Kooluk's influence and eventually forgives and accepts Snowe back into his life. The act of mercy results in the Rune of Punishment accepting Lazlo as its master and switches to Forgiveness Phase, which no longer drained his life.

At the war’s end, Lazlo and his army attacks Fort El-Eal and defeats the Kooluk navy once and for all. However, a huge Rune Cannon discharge endangers the army and Lazlo used the Rune’s power to stop the blast at the cost of his own life. When his body put in a funeral boat and cast off to sea, Lazlo is resurrected by the Rune of Punishment in time to see a ship passing by. It is presumed Lazlo was picked up by the ship, as he is secret recruitable character in Suikoden Tactics (along with Snowe) if the player loads a Suikoden IV file with all 108 Stars of Destiny. In Suikoden Tactics, Kika hints at Lino's intention to make Lazlo his own son.



Prince of Falena


The Prince of Falena, referred to in the novelization as Freyjadour Falenas (sometimes shortened as Frey), is the silent protagonist of Suikoden V; he possesses no dialog except as occasionally directed by the player in conversation trees. He is the son of Arshtat and Ferid and Lymsleia's older brother. He possesses a strong relationship with the members of his family, especially Lymsleia. As a male, he is unable to inherit the throne to the Queendom. The Prince is approximately 16 years old and eventually becomes the leader of the royalist force attempting to reclaim the rule of the country after a coup d'état.

Falenan royal princes are not generally accorded much respect, as they cannot inherit the throne in a Queendom. As such, the Prince performs mostly ceremonial functions; due to his lack of duties, he is also free to explore and leave the capital. In the opening of Suikoden V, the Prince tours the ruined town of Lordlake as part of an investigation for Arshtat with his bodyguard Lyon, his aunt Sialeeds, and Sialeeds' bodyguard Georg Prime. While his father gives him a warm reception upon his return, his mother Arshtat behaves erratically — welcoming him initially, but turning cold and distant upon the reminder of Lordlake's treachery and is calmed only by Ferid.

At the Sacred Games, the Prince is the only one of the royals able to move about without attracting heavy suspicion; Ferid sends him, Sialeeds, Lyon, and Georg to investigate the gladiator Belcoot as well as Zegai, the Barows family's champion. These investigations raise the Prince's suspicion of the Godwins, as do a variety of other "convenient" events at the Games. The Prince and Sialeeds later accompany Lymsleia, who must receive the blessing of the (missing) Dawn Rune and be purified in the holy land of Lunas in preparation of for her engagement.

Before the engagement ceremony, the Queen confides to the Prince their plans concerning the Godwins and that they have no intention of letting Lord Godwin have his way with the country. Nevertheless, she fears things will become much more difficult for children; she hugs her son and tells him she's quite proud of him regardless, though he'll probably have to do a lot of difficult things in the future. During the Godwins' coup, the Prince and Sialeeds fight back assassins, but are advised to flee by Georg Prime when he informs them that the Queen and Ferid have perished. The Prince, aware that Lymsleia will be used as a puppet queen, attempts to rescue his sister, but reluctantly leaves her behind after he is assured she is in good hands.

The Prince becomes a figurehead for an uprising against the Godwins, initially allying himself with the Barows family until it is discovered that they were the ones responsible for the theft of the Dawn Rune. Instead, after recruiting strategist Lucretia Merces, he sets out to personally lead the movement and becomes the eventual bearer of the Dawn Rune. The Prince recruits many of the various factions of Falena to go against the Godwins, notably the town of Lordlake to "make up" for Arshtat's mistake.

At the end of the game, if all 108 Stars of Destiny are not recruited, Lyon dies and the Prince becomes the new bearer of the Twilight Rune. If very few Stars of Destiny are recruited, the Prince then wanders off into the frozen mountains alone in despair. If all 108 Stars are recruited, Lyon is miraculously saved, and the Prince can choose between leaving with Lyon on a journey elsewhere with Georg, or staying in Falena and becoming the new commander of the Queen's Knights (if the player has been "nice" to Lymsleia).

The Prince employs a sansetsukon, or tri-nunchaku, as his weapon in battle, along with the Dawn Rune. The Prince's voice, only heard in combat through yelling, is done by Johnny Yong Bosch.

