Hello, I am somebody who is very interested in topics that most people do not know about. I like to learn about things undiscovered or deeply hidden in secret places across the internet. I also like the histories of Armenia and Georgia and study them a lot.

Pages I have translated


To English

Name Original Language Description Original Page
Zarehavan Armenian Ancient Armenian capital of Nor Shirakan. Զարեհավան (գավառ)
Zarehavan (gavarr)
Baghk Armenian Ancient to medieval Armenian canton of Syunik. Բաղք
Bardos Georgian Third son of Togarmah, one of the two ancestors of Caucasian Albania. ბარდოსი
Movkan Georgian Fourth son of Togarmah, one of the two ancestors of Caucasian Albania, and of the supposed "Movkans". მოვაკანოსი