Howdy. I'm just a kid (actually 20) with too much time on their hands. I'm also a demigirl (I don't really care what pronouns you use, but they/them or she/her are preferred.) I also really like these userboxes for some reason. In fact, these userboxes describe me better than words alone.

Other places I'm at



w/eThis user prefers to be referred to by whatever gender pronoun makes you feel comfortable.
 This user lives in Portland.
 This user is an Indonesian living outside Indonesia.
tThis user blogs on Tumblr as indo-mie.
 This user is trying to leave the United States of America.
 This user is Asian American.
 This user is a Leo.
CNThis user's alignment is Chaotic Neutral: the "Free Spirit."
 This user supports the LGBT+ community and being queer.
 This user is bisexual, not confused.
 This user is agnostic.
 This user wears glasses.
 This user is neurodivergent.
 This user has depression.
GADThis user lives with generalized anxiety disorder.
ubx-nThis user communicates exclusively via userboxes.
HTML-1This user is a beginning HTML user.
This user has an intermediate understanding of the Katakana or Hiragana.
This user has an advanced understanding of the International Phonetic Alphabet.
enThis user is a native speaker of the English language.
id-3Pengguna ini mampu bersumbangsih dengan bahasa Indonesia tingkat mahir.
de-1Dieser Benutzer hat grundlegende Deutschkenntnisse.
 This user is an art lover.
 This user enjoys drawing.
 This user enjoys illustration, visual arts, and graphic design.
 This user enjoys writing.
 This user is interested in
  This user is interested in astronomy.
 This user drinks tea.
  This user's favourite colour is purple.
 This user is a history buff.
 This user is interested in
World War II
 This user is a bibliophile.
 This user drinks bubble tea.
This user loves cake.
 This user is a cat lover.
 This user is an anime and manga fan.
 This user enjoys cooking and baking.
 This user is interested in LGBTQ issues—which does not necessarily reflect the user's sexual orientation.
  This user is interested in linguistics.
  This user loves userboxes.
 This user writes
fan fiction.

 This user is a feminist.
  This user supports the Democratic Party.
 This user ardently opposes the policies, actions, and behavior of Donald John Trump.
This user knows that
Black Lives Matter.
 This user ​ supports the
First Amendment
of the United States.
  This user recognizes the independence of Kosovo.
 This user supports the independence of Palestine.
  This user supports the independence of Taiwan.
  This user supports the independence of Tibet.
 This user is opposed to
political censorship.