
Abenomics, Population pyramid, Atlas of Economic Complexity Great Recession in Asia



「驚くべき日本語」 「戦前の植民地化時代、日本語は『世界共通語』になる可能性があった」 



Easy Japanese, JP vs CH, learning curve JP vs CH

Learning Japanese Is Not Difficult, Some Notes on Japanese Grammar

Which Japanese input method on iPhone is more popular

Google 日本語入力物理フリック (嘘)



Where Hungarians the Original Ogres?, Huns, Hungarian, Ugric languages, Ogre

EAD and Work at Home with IT Internet vira refúgio de oportunidades.

(learn by examples)

web jobs & study



Black Sea deluge hypothesis can explain the Noah's Ark's Flood myth


10 Unexplained Archaeological Discoveries

12 Historical Events That Inspired “Game of Thrones” and Proved Our World Is Just as Brutal as Westeros



sing anison, utau


【重音テト】命短し恋せよ乙女 お絵かきブログ

東方Projectの第1作は1996年に発売 サクラ大戦ゲームは1996年に発売

Culture japan



In The Revenant (2015 film), DiCaprio Lubezki won Best Actor awards as Hugh Glass. Hugh Glass (c. 1783 – 1833) was an American frontiersman. Known for his story of survival and retribution, after being left for dead by companions when he was mauled by a grizzly bear, and his half-native son was killed.



Phonetic Components Index. Use also sites as Wiktionary, jisho.org or [Kotobank https://kotobank.jp/word/%E5%A3%8C-530520]

selectivity of kanji search solved by iteration

Geographic Regions and Regional Economic Blocks


Asia-Pacific, ASEAN, Europe Union, G20主要国, ja:欧米, Silk Road, Greater India, Muslim World, Indo-Arabic, Greco Roman, Turkic people, Arab world, Greater Persia, South Asia, Indochina, Austronesia, Melanesia

Development of the Christian biblical canon There are many versions and variations. Was edited many times, and many books were dropped or added on History.

Book of Revelations condemn and curses who tries remove, modify or add any content from the Book. John was referring only to the Book of Revelations, not the entire Bible. Bible is a collection of Books. The Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Bible canons are different, with more or less books. So if expand Bible were forbidden, one Christian branch should be sinner.

Each new translation or edition have small modificaitons.

List of Bible verses not included in modern translations

Dead sea scrolls, Apocrypha, Biblical apocrypha, New Testament apocrypha, Nag Hammadi library and Biblical manuscript states controversial and debated things as "Magdalena Mary was Jesus's wife", etc.

Peshitta, The New Testament of the Syriac church lacked not only the Antilegomena – 2 Peter, 2 and 3 John, Jude, and the Apocalypse – but the whole of the Catholic Epistles

Is 平安京 Japan's New Jerusalem for Church of the East/ja:ネストリウス派/ja:景教? Ispired by Chang'an which had 3 Nestorian churches 平安京 has a very organized layout. Modern Kyoto.


And the China-Korea the Babylon?




Japan keeps the best of tradition while, import the best, combined and improved.

Japan always try to import the best of world in any field and improve it. To try dominate in a field. In Edo era was creative isolated too.

Japan admires Western culture

Japan Today

End of World


I need to prepare seriously for WW3.

Ruins are typically overgrown, rusted and abandoned.

Wall Street Crash of 1929 was one of causes of WW2



Tay Tweets, a racist but funny AI, pro Hitler, and use many ethnic slurs.

[Indjuns are against Anglic Immigrants]

In history, some white were enslaved too



SCP Foundation, SCP wiki and SCP – Containment Breach game. SCP-173 is an animate statue made of concrete, rebar and spray paint. It son't move when directly observed, but attacks people when line of sight with it is broken. Photos of Abandoned Disney Discovery_Island_(Bay_Lake).



ted cruz is the zodiac killer

Rare pepe's "meme magic is real".

Regressive Left

  • Feminist and Islam "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet" says Timothy 2:11-12.
  • Ameno - Inspired by Medieval.

News quality


Top Online News | Top Tech News | Newspaper quality | Huffington Post | Reddit

Concursos Públicos no Brasil




Websites: Github, Qiita, Stackoverflow



United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Supranational union, Continental union, Trade bloc, Federal Republic of Central America, European Union, Organization of Ibero-American States, Arab League, Pacific Islands Forum, Eurasian Economic Union, Post-Soviet states, former Soviet Union, Caribbean Community, Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, Latin American integration, Anglo-America, Union of South American Nations, African Union, Central American Integration System, Arab world, Commonwealth of Nations





東西文明の周期交代, Top 10 most competitive economies in Asia Pacific

Developed country, List of countries by inequality-adjusted HDI, Human Development Index

Japan: high tech image, low tech reality

Rules of language, Input hypothesis, 5 techniques to speak any language The 4 Most Commonly Believed Myths about Learning Japanese

Is Japan in decline?, 日本の初等教育は世界一, Population decline, Natalistic politics

Top 50: Japanese Startups You Should Know

Interlanguage Individual variation in second-language acquisition Critical period hypothesis Language-learning aptitude Order of acquisition Second-language acquisition Second-language attrition

Languages of Hong Kong, Japan Foundation, Japan Foundation Indonesia Japanese learners, If I don't speak Cantonese in Hong Kong, will I get treated better speaking English or speaking Mandarin?

The Real Japanese Learners

中国語が世界共通語になる条件, 【朗報】ベトナムの小学校で日本語が第一外国語に!!!, ベトナムで高まる日本語ブーム 現地で教えた元教師が述懐

日本語を第一外国語に採用、ベトナムの小学校で 中国では「侵略を喜ぶのか」「日本企業の進出が原因」との声も, 英語より日本語!?ベトナムの日本語熱に迫る!

Languages of the European Union, English as ASEAN language, [Political union]

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Tedx Benny Lewis

Portuguese Diglossia in Brazil

Futuro do Pt-br



Is さようなら still used in real life?





The world still needs to learn Japanese

Voicing and Contrast. Introduction: "Most people from India subcontinent distinguish 4 types of sounds k, g, kh, gh. gh is found mainly in India, and rare elsewhere. While Europeans and Japanese cannot tell apart K from Kh.Chinese and Koreans cannot tell apart K and G. But why?" see also Voicelessness Phonation

Japanese for the Western Brain WHY ENGLISH IS HARD and JAPANESE IS EASY JAPANESE LOANWORD PHONOLOGY Tofugu Japanese Why Is English Spelling So Weird?

A Cat That Barks (Not Speaking Parents' Language)

Formal and Informal Japanese


Portuguese verb conjugation

ja:敬語 is the formal Japanese used by educated adults. (on society, business, news)

Informal Japanese is used more by young people, close family members and blue collar workers.

Include Youth and Internet slangs, dialects and other grammar deviations.

Japanese Grammar is constantly evolving, deviating ja:敬語 from former standards in a process called ja:日本語の乱れ.

as in 気になる日本語の乱れ

To use informal Japanese may be rude toward elder people, teachers, professors.

Koiné language, Creole, Pidgin, most useful languages

Small and minority languages are harder to learn because there are few resources (study materials, speakers, learners, texts, media) language of illiterate ethnic groups are much harder, have low culture and almost no merits (missionaries learn to preach, when converted most of them they shift to a main (major) language).

English is the global lingua franca. (of computing, science, research, travel, internet, business, diplomacy, news and entertainment)

Cognates make vocabulary (lexicon, lexis) easier to learn.

Phonemic spelling are easier to learn and use.

Lexicography is the studies dictionaries and vocabulary.

[外国人「日本語が世界で最も難しいわwww」 tamenal.com/17179]

Language diversity correlates with poverty, so Extinction of minority languages is OK? The fact is that USA, China, Spain and Russia have high GDP and many minorities languages. Catalan minority is very rich. However is a fact that minorities languages spoken by small poor groups tends to disappear. Switzeland and Europe are rich as whole, but have many languages. However Africa, India, Phillipines, Amazonia still have more languages.

言語の重要度ランキング, 世界で最も重要な3言語を選ぶとすれば, 言語の経済力ランキング作ってみた

How to learn less popular languages. 4 steps language learning. How start learning Japanese.

Japanese Young language: 若者言葉. よく目にするネット用語・流行語を独断と偏見でまとめてみた

Why small languages are unpopular

Japanese irregular verbs

L2 acquisition

Quora: which language has Ugliest grammar, Easiest grammar. Treksplorer: hardest languages.

Grammatical conjugation, Romance verbs, Grammatical tense, English modal verbs, Morphological typology, Analytic languages, Fusional languages, Agglutinative languages, Auxiliary verb, Tense–aspect–mood, Irregular verb, English verbs, Verb, Japanese verb conjugation

Grammatical gender List, Grammatical person, Grammatical case, Noun, Part of Speech, Pronoun. Agreement

Declension, 活用, List of grammatical cases, Inflection, Finite verb, Uses of English verb forms, Word stem

Inflectional morphemes

West Italic, Germanic, Slavic, Urdu, Tamil, Arabic, Persian, Turkic, Malay, Thai, Vietnamese

日本人にとって最も習得しやすい外国語は何語, 学びやすい外国語は?, 英語以外でオススメの外国語おしえろ , 韓国人「欧米人が学ぶ外国語ランキングを見てみよう」,

日本人が習得しやすい外国語は??, 外国語ランキング, ja:接置詞,ja:格

【おすすめの国語勉強法】漢字を無理なく覚える5つのコツ 拾萬字鏡(漢字字書)角川日本地名大辞典小字一覧における外字・難読地名一覧


「新漢語林 アプリ」

Online language of Japaneses and Americans



Living in Japan



About me


Generic human.


People are influenced by peers, sometimes irrationally as superstition. it's seen in stock market trends.

See also Peer pressure, Herd behavior, Herd mentality, Crowd psychology, Positive feedback, Self-fulfilling prophecy, Virtuous circle and vicious circle, Reinforcement, Social network, Conformity, Social media, Status quo, Copy, Copyright infringement, Masses.


Crowds are very influenced by powerful, popular and charismatic leaders.

See also Opinion leaders.

But o?ur culture and civilization are improved radically mainly by Creative pioneers. Many whom were misunderstood, were against Status quo, Masses or Opinion leaders of the time, and now are widely accepted?.

Genius, Early adopter, Invention, Creativity, Asperger Syndrome

Do Students of Sports misunderstand the meaning of the word "Academy".



[Youtube Open Gates - Muslim flood into Europe]

Keyboard layouts


With touchscreen of tablets and smartphones we can display keyboard layouts for many alphabets larger than latin (26 keys), as cyrillic (34 keys) or armenian (41 keys)

Top sites


[International News]



Matome is Collection in Japanese, for Study and Research

[Web Dev Tutorials] [Wiki Help][Upload Wizard]




Learn and Memorize thousands of Kanji to read Japanese. Include over 6000 Kanji tested in Kanken Test





National birds



Fosfoetanolamina: a droga brasileira que promete curar o câncer




The donald. Pro Trump. w/ politics Dank memes. 4chan /pol/ 8chan /pol/



All your base are belong to us Do you want to play a game?



Asperger, ADHD, OCD, ADHD vs ADD.

Motivation and Will power


study, ganbatte,article

Define cleary our goal and where we can start. Motivate based on a purpose.

Seek high quality and efficience. Grit and efforts are essential in process.

Use study as guide. learn the best from others, then improve it.


be creative, remix. Create better strategy.

No one begun perfect. practice makes perfect. we can learn to succeed from fails. so stay positive.

Time is precious. Manage and save time. Speed up tasks. if there is time yet, we can try again.

ganbatte victory genio ninja mto inteligente, SMAR

know-how > knowledge

Everything is a remix Remix (copy, tranform, combine) are the base of creativity.

va estudar VOCE TEM TALENTO creativity for president get better with experience NAO ESTUDA

preciso estudar mto inteligente, coarse diamond time vs quality of education likely the next presid. brasileiro Goals, Self improvement, study, training, trends, open sourse

genious, brilliant, samurai

caduco, gagá

you're pathetic

poder (influenciar e dominar outros) o príncipe ser amado (carisma, liderança) ser temido (respeito, supremacia)

millionaire purpose of life, happiness, fullfillment? reproduce and care offspring?

Prog lang


All langs are quirky, in more or less degree. While langs as PHP are becoming quirkier over time. Javascript is better at each new version.

pro and cons, sorta

Javascript - pro and cons Javascript runs in every modern OS. Run a Client with just a Browser, and a server with Node.js. Java runs only with Plugins. In comparision Ruby, Python and PHP are buggy on Windows. Swift runs on Mac only. C# and F# runs on Windows only.



Jews have more kids? Asian and White population reduction as conspiracy

News Sources grouped by Ideology (Conservative, Liberal, Socialist , Finantial) Tora no Mon News is true right wing in Japan.

Jew Holy Book Talmud:"A Jew may rob a Goy, but a Goy may not rob a Jew.If a Goy murders another Goy or a Jew, he should be killed, but a Jew will not be incur the death penalty for killing a non-Jew."

Google searches Streisand effect (attempt to censor, spread more)



Macrobiotic diet, Macrobiotic restaurant in Sao Paulo

Blood, telomeres, hibernation

Web design


social login, few logins to rule them all



lang 2


Agreement (linguistics) Languages can have no conventional agreement whatsoever, as in Japanese or Malay; barely any, as in English; a small amount, as in spoken French; a moderate amount, as in Greek or Latin; or a large amount, as in Swahili.

Grammatical gender, List of languages by type of grammatical genders, Genderless language






World Atlas of Language Structures, Formative exponence, Voice (grammar), Japanese verb conjugation, Japanese godan and ichidan verbs

New G7

Soft Power Survey 2015-16


Uyoku dantai, Most powerful countries

5 Reasons Why the U.S. Remains the World’s Only Superpower

UK and Italia as Soft Power Superpower

Four Asian Tigers, Tiger Cub Economies, World Power Index, Comprehensive National Power, Composite Index of National Capability

Japanese propaganda during World War II, Datsu-A Ron, Japanese nationalism, Pan-Asianism

List of modern great powers, Potential superpowers, Asian Century, Soft power, Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, An Investigation of Global Policy with the Yamato Race as Nucleus, Mengjiang, Hakkō ichiu, Honorary Aryan, Yamato-damashii, Yamato people, Asian Century


China as an emerging superpower Acculturation Popular culture

Cool Japan, Korean Wave, Japanese post-war economic miracle, Japanese popular culture, Nihonjinron

German conjugation, Grammatical person, Grammatical number, Grammatical tense, Grammatical case,

Separable verb, Word stem, Lemma (morphology), Root (linguistics), Uninflected word

Power (international_relations)

Could Israel become a Cultural Superpower? By the 1990s, Japan was widely considered a genuine cultural superpower, the only country whose domestic media output, properly exploited, could seriously challenge Anglo-American cultural hegemony.

[www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2002/jun/01/artsfeatures.features The other superpower]

Is UK still a superpower?

how japan became a pop culture superpower

anime makes japan superpower

SHOULD I LEARN CHINESE OR JAPANESE? Which language is easiest to learn: Chinese, Japanese, or Korean?

Chinese dialects


Written Hokkien, Cantonese, Language shift, Ruby character, Japanese_studies, Japanization, Japanophile, Japanification, Yilan Creole Japanese, Japanese mannerisms, Cultural assimilation, Culture of Japan, Lost Decade (Japan), Abenomics, Japonism, Kaizen

Portmanteau Clipping (morphology), Compound verbs in Japanese, Japanese irregular verbs

Morphological_typology, Principal parts Regular and irregular verbs, Uninflected word Linguistic relativity, Affix, Alternation (linguistics), Allophone, Sandhi, Apophony, Morphological typology, Morphology (linguistics), Thematic vowel

English has simple grammar, so easier to be learnt as global lingua franca. However on History many languages with complicated grammar served as Lingua Franca too, as Latin, Russian, Greek, Spanish, Arabic, French, German, ...

Sprachbund = Language area

Language shift Dialect levelling Mixed language Standard language Dialect continuum, Inflexion

estigmatizado (minority dialects) ==

Oceania English is widely spoken. Few small islands use French.

South Asia English is lingua franca.

Regional languages have many words derived from Sanskrit or

German speakers many also speak English

alphabets Chinese and Japanese are the hardest. Arabic

English Japanese

Chinese developing, power nation,

Russian Learn slavic languages easier

German, French

Silk road Arabic & English. Turkic, Persian, Urdu and related languages have regional influence. Russian is known on Former soviet nations in the Area.


Africa native for anglo-celtic people. widely known in Oceania, Phillipines, India, Germany, Nordic countries, and Africa

Dev on Windows by Dave Rupert

Node.js Tutorials: From Zero to Hero with Nodejs

Sayar Node MVA

Node on windows



8 great powers, Japan still matters, Why Japan Still Matters

Nuclear holocaust, Mutual assured destruction, The war to end war, Nuclear winter, Cobalt bomb, Nuclear electromagnetic pulse, High-altitude nuclear explosion, Directed-energy weapon, US Nuclear Target Map

romantically apocalyptic

weaker the earth's magnetic field, weaker the effect of a Nuclear electromagnetic pulse

Paraguay and Mato Grosso do Sul have weaker earth's magnetic field


US Probable Targets

Current Crash




Yutori education, History of education in Japan, Nanban trade, Sakoku

Which Asian Nations Were Never Colonized by Europe?, Global language system, MIT global studies and Languages, Japan lost interest in studying abroad, [Japanese as International Language]

Criticism of Esperanto, Evolutionary psychology, Satoshi Kanazawa

Satoshi Kanazawa said that "the artificial language of Esperanto never took off, despite its numerous favorable linguistic features" because "language cannot exist without a society of speakers speaking it daily and interacting with each other."





robot woman



This generation and their god damn cell phones

That generation and their god damn newspapers