User:Nightivory/Keres (religion)

The Keres (religion) The Keres are a branch of paganism who follow the goddess Nyx. As Nyx is worshipped as a benevolent and kind goddess by the Keres, the name "Keres" itself is taken not to mean malevolent goddesses of violence, pain and death, but rather "daughters of Nyx."

Overview edit

The Keres was started as a way for "broom-closet witches" who don't want to be solitary to practice in a more discreet way. The Keres practice in very similar ways to many Wiccans and pagans in general, with a few key differences that make this particular branch of paganism highly appealing to mainly teenagers and young adults.

Practices edit

Keres generally celebrate the traditional pagan holidays: Ostara, Beltaine, Yule, Samhain, and so on. Monthly Esbats are also typically observed. Keres focus mainly on what is considered to be white magic, although it isn't uncommon for one to stray into the gray area. During rituals, elemental circles are cast and the goddess Nyx is called upon in different ways according to the purpose of the ritual and/or celebration it is being held at.

The Goddess edit

The Keres honor the goddess Nyx as the main goddess of the religion. Nyx is honored as the benevolent goddess of night and the moon, similar to the Great Mother Goddess worshipped by Wiccans.

References edit

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