I choose Opera Mini - a subcategory of Internet Acess. Link: Opera Mini

About this article,

The strength is that its structure is clear and easy for the reader to follow and have an overview of Opera Mini’s development history and its functions. The structure is sorted from overview to its history, functionality, and features to market adoption. This arrangement is a good approach to introduce a web browser and technology software in general. All the links from the article are still working. Readers can follow those links to research into more depth about the subject related to Opera Mini without any confusion or intricateness. 

For the weakness of the article, it seems like the article needs to be worked into more details. Although the flow and the structure of the article are accurate and clear, each section’s contents still lack of details. It seems like there is nothing happened to Opera Mini browser because all the information stops at 2014. Maybe, the article needs to be updated to be on timely tracking of what is new with this browser.