User:Netha Hussain/100 articles on women's Health

100 articles on women's health is my personal initiative to write 100 new articles related to women's health.

Created articles

  1. Chorioangioma
  2. Ectopic decidua
  3. Puberty menorrhagia
  4. No Scalpel vasectomy
  5. Cusco's Speculum
  6. Sims' vaginal speculum
  7. Ayre spatula
  8. Maylard incision
  9. Rubin maneuver
  10. Back strain
  11. Triple smear
  12. Navicular cell
  13. Epidural opioid analgesia
  14. Pseudo-goitre
  15. Kerr incision
  16. Joel-Cohen incision
  17. Uterine souffle
  18. Funic souffle
  19. Breus' mole
  20. Decidua menstrualis
  21. Modified Gibson Incision
  22. Warren operation
  23. Irving operation
  24. Chromopertubation
  25. Presacral neurectomy
  26. Exercise amenorrhoea
  27. Budin's sign

Articles needing creation

  1. Pelvic adhesions (Pelvic peritoneal adhesions)
  2. Osteitis condensans iliac (293)
  3. Rubin's maneuver (Link)
  4. Jacquemier's maneuver
  5. History of Caesarian section (Link)
  6. Munro-Kerr incision (Link)
  7. Instruments used in gynaecology and obstetrics (Refer) (Refer)
  8. Kielland forceps (Refer)
  9. Elliot forceps
  10. Wrigley's forceps
  11. Simpson forceps
  12. Piper's forceps
  13. Kielland forceps
  14. Molding
  15. Augmentation of labour (Existing section)
  16. List of redirects to Childbirth - What links here
  17. Modigliani Syndrome (pseudogoiter) Create the article here
  18. Breast cancer in India
  19. Women in clinical studies (Link)
  20. Midlife weight gain
  21. Gaskin maneuver
  22. Vaginal cytology in normal pregnancy
  23. Lovset manoeuvre
  24. Uterine malposition
  25. Adhesiolysis
  26. Endometrial sampling
  27. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology
  28. Laser in gynaecology
  29. Pelvic lymphatics
  30. Genital tuberculosis
  31. Presacral neurectomy
  32. Sling operation (cervicoplexy)
  33. McCall culdoplasty
  34. Moscowitch procedure
  35. Pelvic floor repair
  36. Lutenized Unruptured Follicle
  37. Chromopertubation
  38. Mesonephric cyst
  39. Downstaging screening for cervical cancer
  40. Brachytherapy for cervical cancer
  41. Kelly's cystourethroplasty
  42. Warren flap method for perineal repair
  43. Uterine hernia syndrome
  44. Exercise amenorrhea
  45. Uchida technique
  46. Irving method