Nanga Parbat is my name,
Writing garbage is my game

If you see me running about,
Now you know exactly, just what to shout

I write and write till I can write no more,
In the hopes that may be you will get bored

But still you come back with a big grin,
Thanking me profusely for my spin

With drool running fast down your chin,
I can tell your love life will never begin

I always knew that pigs could fly,
I'm glad now you're gonna try

But if you fall and break your neck,
I hope you'll forget what it was that you read

Especially the name of the brilliance that is me,
So that I may continue this addictive folly

Nanga Parbat is my name,
Writing garbage ain't so lame!

Monday, January 09, 2006. 8pm.