Trivial Details


Name: Naim Wahib Slim

DOB: 16/02/1989


GCSEThis user received an A*-grade in Mathematics at GCSE
GCSEThis user received an A*-grade in French at GCSE
GCSEThis user received an A*-grade in Graphics at GCSE
GCSEThis user received an A*-grade in ICT at GCSE
GCSEThis user received an A-grade in Chemistry at GCSE
GCSEThis user received an A-grade in Biology at GCSE
GCSEThis user received an A-grade in Physics at GCSE
GCSEThis user received an A-grade in Music at GCSE
GCSEThis user received an A-grade in English Language at GCSE
GCSEThis user received an A-grade in English Literature at GCSE
GCSEThis user received an A-grade in German at GCSE
GCSEThis user received a B-grade in Physical Education at GCSE
IBThis user is a student that currently attends the IB Diploma Programme.
 This user's favourite subject is Chemistry.
BIOThis user's favourite subject is Biology.
MATHThis user's favorite subject is Mathematics.
ENGThis user's favourite subject is English.
FRThis user's favourite subject is French.
PSYThis user's favorite subject is Psychology.

About Me

 This user is right-handed.
 This user is short-sighted.
teenThis user is a teenager.
 This user is a child at heart. They might have grown older, but they'll never grow up.
 This user is proud to be British.
 This user is an Aquarian.
This user was born in the year of the Snake. 
 This user is currently learning how to drive.

{{user blogat|'s Cave}}

 This user uses Google as a primary search engine.
ISPThis user uses the email account provided by their ISP.
BTThis user's Internet service provider is BT Broadband.
 This user uses Ares Galaxy.
 This user prefers Mozilla Firefox.
 This user contributes with Fedora Linux.
WinXPRegretfully, this user contributes using Microsoft Windows XP.
C:\>_This user uses DOS, or knows how to use it.
vi_This user contributes using vi.
 This user contributes using Notepad.
EDIT.COM_This user contributes using MS-DOS Editor.
 This user loves oranges.
CThis user can't make up their mind if Coke or Pepsi is better and drinks both.P
 This user enjoys playing blackjack.
 This user enjoys playing solitaire.
 This user enjoys playing spoons.
 This user writes games on their graphing calculator.
 This user enjoys PlayStation 2 games.
fan-3This user thinks that the Metal Gear Series is the best video game series ever established.
 This user is interested in politics.
 This user prefers the metric system.
 This user works for CTU.
WILTThis user apologizes and asks if that's O.K. WAY too much.
 This user is a music composer.
 This user plays the piano.
 This user enjoys classical music.
RAPThis user enjoys Rap and Hip Hop music.
 This user enjoys jazz music.
 This user enjoys punk rock.
 This user enjoys rock music.
 This user likes all types of music.
 This user is a karateka.

{{User anti-gun}}

 This user enjoys ice skating.
  This user is a smartass; known for frequently making bad jokes, smartalec comments and having bad pickup lines and is proud of it!
MRLPThis user supports the Official Monster Raving Loony Party.
 This user is The Stig.
 This user loves the 1980s and participates in the 1980s retro movement
!This user is a userbox kleptomaniac.


This user is proud
to be a Wikipedian.
1RRThis user prefers discussing changes on the talk page rather than engaging in an edit war.
 This user does not understand mean people. Please be nice.
 This user maintains a strict policy advising against all personal attacks.
 This alleged user can be said to maintain an ill-defined policy or other custom of neutrality or other ambiguity-related quality on some or all issues that may be potentially controversial to some alleged people.
 This user believes that articles are useless without images.
 This user believes that a user's edit count does not necessarily reflect on the value of their contributions to Wikipedia.
 This user is a member of the
Counter-Vandalism Unit.
 This user removes personal attacks because it's the right thing to do.
EBThis user uses the Encyclopædia Britannica along with Wikipedia.
 This user clicks on Random article way too often.
 This user overuses userboxes.
snukThis user says snuck.
This user chooses never to split infinitives.
byThis user has no opinion about the passive voice.
... in.Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which this user will not put.
This user thinks that too many people have no idea how to use words that they should have learned in grade two.
whomThis user insists upon using whom wherever it is called for, and fixes the errors of whomever they see.
which & thatThis user knows how to use which and that correctly.
if & whetherThis user knows how to use "if" and "whether" correctly.
less & fewerThis user understands the difference between less & fewer.
This user thinks that there are too many people who don’t know that they're worse than their own children at spelling!
This user thinks that if your grammar is incorrect, then you're in need of help.
A, B, and
A and B
This user prefers to use the serial comma only when its omission can be confusing.
It's really not that hard to use each word in its proper manner.
’sThi's user know's that not every word that end's with s need's an apostrophe and will remove misused apostrophe's from Wikipedia with extreme prejudice.
“…”This user favors curly quotation marks over straight style.
UKThis user uses British English.
AIM-AbleThis user understands AIM talk perfectly well, but does not seriously use it. Ever.
1337-0This user has no idea what 1337 is or prefers to contribute using proper words.
This user has full understanding of the Arabic script.
This user has a basic understanding of the Greek alphabet.
BS-0This person does not understand Bullshit (or understands it with considerable difficulties or does not wish to communicate in Bullshit).
du-0This person does not understand dumbass (or understands it with considerable difficulties, or does not want to speak dumbass).
LE-0This individual still maintains a shred of dignity in this insane world by adhering to correct spelling, grammar, punctuation and capitalisation.
هذا المستخدم يستطيع المساهمة بالعربية بمستوى متوسط.
de-2Dieser Benutzer hat fortgeschrittene Deutschkenntnisse.
fr-3Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau avancé de français.