User:Mwaala/Twins in Namibia

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  • Comment: Error: There was no comment detected! Please follow the instructions at Template:AfC comment. This article is too much a personal opinion essay, about about twins in general. We already have a wikipedia article Twin, so instead since you mention Ovambo tradition I'd advise you stick specifically to the issue of twins in Namibian cultures.
  • Comment: Error: There was no comment detected! Please follow the instructions at Template:AfC comment. Do not use "I"; this is an encyclopedia, not a personal blog. The article needs to be written in the abstract.

I am an identical twin and in[ovambo] tradition, there are specific names for twins, my name is Mwaala and my twin brother's name is Uuwanga.There are a lot myths about twins, some people believe that identical twins think the same, feel the same and can not live without each other but in my case we are totally different, it's just the physical appearance that is the same. In [ovambo] tradition it is believed that the twin that is born last is older than the one born first. Biologically the twin born first is the older one and i believe

It is a blessing being an identical twin, first of all my twin is my best friend, whenever I have problems i can always talk to my twin.there are so many advantages of being an identical twin, we can trick people in so many ways, i can go for an interview pretending that I'm my brother, I can write examination for my brother if he is not ready for it,if my twin is in a fight I will always help him, I can also talk to my brother's girl friend pretending I'm him and most important my twin understands me better than anyone. This is all very interesting and amazing, there are also disadvantages of being an identical twin, I can never lie to my twin because he knows exactly if I'm lying or telling the truth, If my twin gets in trouble it means I might also be in trouble, if i do something wrong and people don't know that I'm a twin, they might go to my brother. Some girls feel they can not date one of us because they won't be able to know the difference between us and are afraid of us playing them. there are also times when you feel that you are not unique, knowing that someone looks exactly like you. sometimes we like the same girl but we do not compete each other, the one that met her first goes for her.

It is really a blessing being an identical twin and i hope one i will also have sons which are twins, teach them the tricks and cheats and see how interesting it is. [1] [2] [3] [4]

