"Đa vịt" in Chu Nom

I'm born in Brasschaat (Belgium) as a son of two russophiles. Before I was four years old, I had already lived during a few months at Moscow university, where my parents have studied some time. Later I have been living a few years in Burǔndi, where my mother had spent her youth. My real name is David, but since in the English Wikipedia there was already a user with this name, I added the Kirǔndi prefix mu- for people.

For the moment I'm working as a physics researcher at Duy Tân University, Đà Nẵng. My interests include, of course, physics, but also astronomy. I play the guitar and I'm interested in Vietnam and surroundings. I'm also a big reader specialised in fantasy.

My contributions on Wikipedia


Since my native language is Dutch, I don't write much in English, but I translate from English or French to Dutch. The list of articles I have translated to Dutch can be found on my Dutch user page. The few articles I have translated to French (most of these with my cousin Timothy) can be found on my French user page.

I have written only a few articles so far: BPST instanton, background field method, caloron (were stubs before I attacked them), special conformal transformation, zeta function (operator), center vortex, and Old Quarter, Hanoi. Big parts of functional determinant, fermion doubling, Cham language, Chru language, and Gribov ambiguity are also mine, as are some subsections in QCD vacuum.