About Me


I am a New Media Communications major with minors in business and writing. I chose these because I am interested in public relations and social media. I love to read and watch movies. My favorite movie is Big Fish. I also love to hike and spend time outdoors.



I have travelled a lot and I plan to travel even more in the future. But I think one of the most interesting places I have been would be Machu Picchu because it is amazingly beautiful and had a lot of awesome historical context too. Another place I loved was Paris mostly because of the atmosphere and the food.

Group Projects

  • I enjoy working on group projects with people who put in the same level of effort, and are willing to delegate work as well.
    • What I mean by this is that they do not just do the whole project by themselves, they evenly spread out the work.
  • But I also hope that they put in enough effort that I do not have to make up for it and do their part.
    • I also like working with those who are willing to compromise for the greater good.
  • I dislike working with people who take forever to reply to group messages, or ignore messages in general.
  • I also dislike it when people are unwilling to listen to other group members ideas, and only stick with their own narrow path of thinking.
    • I like to be open-minded and collaborate.