Kundatha Yoga ... ...where Kundalini meets Hatha

Mission: To increase energy, strength and range of motion for athletes & students, employees & executives, retirees & seniors.

Kundatha yoga is customized for each level in a class and includes a mix of invigorating Kundalini exercises with traditional Hatha yoga poses. This yoga system is taught in Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona, USA. Clients have given good reviews regarding a new found energy level, increased strength and range of motion.

The Story Behind Kundatha Yoga…

In 1992 Mark Scafaria discovered the benefits of power yoga. This Hatha version of yoga with intense poses in a heated room was the next stage of fitness for me. The ‘hot yoga’ practice helped him advance in basketball and soccer.

Mark started Kundalini yoga in 2002, during a 5-day fast, which took him to the next level. Mark lost 40 lbs. and recovered from multiple orthopedic surgeries, achieving his goal for daily health.

In 2009, after 7+ years of Kundalini practice and 17 years of Hatha based styles (including Anusara, Ashtanga, Flow, Hot/Power, Iyengar, Restorative and Yin), Mark created a yoga system for today’s population… Kundatha, the combination of Kundalini and Hatha yoga practices.

